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Convert binary to string using Python

Last Updated : 05 Dec, 2022
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Data conversion has always been widely used utility and one among them can be the conversion of a binary equivalent to its string. 
Let’s discuss certain ways in which this can be done.

Method #1:
The naive approach is to convert the given binary data in decimal by taking the sum of binary digits (dn) times their power of 2*(2^n). The binary data is divided into sets of 7 bits because this set of binary as input, returns the corresponding decimal value which is ASCII code of the character of a string. This ASCII code is then converted to string using chr() function.
Note: Here we do slicing of binary data in the set of 7 because, the original ASCII table is encoded on 7 bits, therefore, it has 128 characters.


# Python3 code to demonstrate working of
# Converting binary to string
# Using BinarytoDecimal(binary)+chr()
# Defining BinarytoDecimal() function
def BinaryToDecimal(binary):
    binary1 = binary
    decimal, i, n = 0, 0, 0
    while(binary != 0):
        dec = binary % 10
        decimal = decimal + dec * pow(2, i)
        binary = binary//10
        i += 1
    return (decimal)   
# Driver's code
# initializing binary data
bin_data ='10001111100101110010111010111110011'
# print binary data
print("The binary value is:", bin_data)
# initializing a empty string for
# storing the string data
str_data =' '
# slicing the input and converting it
# in decimal and then converting it in string
for i in range(0, len(bin_data), 7):
    # slicing the bin_data from index range [0, 6]
    # and storing it as integer in temp_data
    temp_data = int(bin_data[i:i + 7])
    # passing temp_data in BinarytoDecimal() function
    # to get decimal value of corresponding temp_data
    decimal_data = BinaryToDecimal(temp_data)
    # Decoding the decimal value returned by
    # BinarytoDecimal() function, using chr()
    # function which return the string corresponding
    # character for given ASCII value, and store it
    # in str_data
    str_data = str_data + chr(decimal_data)
# printing the result
print("The Binary value after string conversion is:",


The binary value is: 10001111100101110010111010111110011
The Binary value after string conversion is:  Geeks

Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)

Method #2: Using int() function 
Whenever an int() function is provided with two arguments, it tells the int() function that the second argument is the base of the input string. If the input string is larger than 10, then Python assumes that the next sequence of digits comes from ABCD… .Therefore, this concept can be used for converting a binary sequence to string. Below is the implementation.


# Python3 code to demonstrate working of
# Converting binary to string
# Using BinarytoDecimal(binary)+chr()
# Defining BinarytoDecimal() function
def BinaryToDecimal(binary):
    # Using int function to convert to
    # string  
    string = int(binary, 2)
    return string
# Driver's code
# initializing binary data
bin_data ='10001111100101110010111010111110011'
# print binary data
print("The binary value is:", bin_data)
# initializing a empty string for
# storing the string data
str_data =' '
# slicing the input and converting it
# in decimal and then converting it in string
for i in range(0, len(bin_data), 7):
    # slicing the bin_data from index range [0, 6]
    # and storing it in temp_data
    temp_data = bin_data[i:i + 7]
    # passing temp_data in BinarytoDecimal() function
    # to get decimal value of corresponding temp_data
    decimal_data = BinaryToDecimal(temp_data)
    # Decoding the decimal value returned by
    # BinarytoDecimal() function, using chr()
    # function which return the string corresponding
    # character for given ASCII value, and store it
    # in str_data
    str_data = str_data + chr(decimal_data)
# printing the result
print("The Binary value after string conversion is:",


The binary value is: 10001111100101110010111010111110011
The Binary value after string conversion is:  Geeks

Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)

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