Python – Sort Tuples by Total digits
Last Updated :
18 May, 2023
Given a Tuple List, perform sort on basis of total digits in tuple.
Input : test_list = [(3, 4, 6, 723), (1, 2), (134, 234, 34)]
Output : [(1, 2), (3, 4, 6, 723), (134, 234, 34)]
Explanation : 2 < 6 < 8, sorted by increasing total digits.
Input : test_list = [(1, 2), (134, 234, 34)]
Output : [(1, 2), (134, 234, 34)]
Explanation : 2 < 8, sorted by increasing total digits.
Method #1: Using sort() + len() + sum()
In this, we get all sum of all lengths of each element in the tuple by string conversion and len(). Then sort() is used with key to solve this problem.
def count_digs(tup):
return sum ([ len ( str (ele)) for ele in tup ])
test_list = [( 3 , 4 , 6 , 723 ), ( 1 , 2 ), ( 12345 ,), ( 134 , 234 , 34 )]
print ( "The original list is : " + str (test_list))
test_list.sort(key = count_digs)
print ( "Sorted tuples : " + str (test_list))
The original list is : [(3, 4, 6, 723), (1, 2), (12345,), (134, 234, 34)]
Sorted tuples : [(1, 2), (12345,), (3, 4, 6, 723), (134, 234, 34)]
Time Complexity: O(nlogn)
Auxiliary Space: O(1)
Method #2 : Using sorted() + lambda + sum() + len()
In this, we perform task of sorting using sorted(), and the lambda function performs the task of computation of total digits in tuples.
test_list = [( 3 , 4 , 6 , 723 ), ( 1 , 2 ), ( 12345 ,), ( 134 , 234 , 34 )]
print ( "The original list is : " + str (test_list))
res = sorted (test_list, key = lambda tup : sum ([ len ( str (ele)) for ele in tup ]))
print ( "Sorted tuples : " + str (res))
The original list is : [(3, 4, 6, 723), (1, 2), (12345,), (134, 234, 34)]
Sorted tuples : [(1, 2), (12345,), (3, 4, 6, 723), (134, 234, 34)]
Time Complexity: O(n*logn) where n is the number of elements in the list “test_list”. sorted() + lambda + sum() + len() performs n*logn number of operations.
Auxiliary Space: O(n), extra space is required where n is the number of elements in the list
Method #3: Using reduce:
- Initialize the list of tuples.
- Print the original list.
- Apply the sorted() function on the list of tuples with a key function lambda to sort the tuples based on the sum of the total number of digits in the tuples.
- The key function lambda takes each tuple as an input and calculates the length of each element after converting it to a string using len(str(ele)). The lengths are summed up using the built-in sum() function to get the total number of digits in the tuple.
- The sorted tuples are stored in the variable res.
- Print the sorted tuples.
from functools import reduce
test_list = [( 3 , 4 , 6 , 723 ), ( 1 , 2 ), ( 12345 ,), ( 134 , 234 , 34 )]
print ( "The original list is : " + str (test_list))
res = sorted (test_list, key = lambda tup: reduce ( lambda x, y: x + len ( str (y)), tup, 0 ))
print ( "Sorted tuples : " + str (res))
The original list is : [(3, 4, 6, 723), (1, 2), (12345,), (134, 234, 34)]
Sorted tuples : [(1, 2), (12345,), (3, 4, 6, 723), (134, 234, 34)]
Time complexity: O(nlogn), where n is the length of the list of tuples. The time complexity of the sorted() function is O(nlogn) due to its underlying sorting algorithm.
Space complexity: O(n), where n is the length of the list of tuples. The space complexity is determined by the size of the list of tuples.
METHOD 4:Using def and for function
This program takes a list of tuples as input and sorts the tuples based on the total digits present in each tuple. The tuples with fewer total digits are placed first in the output list, while those with more total digits are placed later.
1.Define a function count_digits(t) to count the total number of digits in a tuple t.
2.Create a list tuples_with_counts of tuples, where each tuple contains an original tuple and its corresponding total digit count (calculated using the count_digits() function).
3.Sort the tuples_with_counts list based on the second element of each tuple (i.e., the total digit count), using the sorted() function and a lambda function as the key.
4.Create a list sorted_tuples by taking the first element (i.e., the original tuple) from each tuple in the sorted tuples_with_counts list.
5.Output the sorted_tuples list.
lst = [( 3 , 4 , 6 , 723 ), ( 1 , 2 ), ( 12345 ,), ( 134 , 234 , 34 )]
def count_digits(t):
total = 0
for num in t:
total + = len ( str (num))
return total
tuples_with_counts = [(t, count_digits(t)) for t in lst]
sorted_tuples = [t[ 0 ] for t in sorted (tuples_with_counts, key = lambda x: x[ 1 ])]
print ( "Sorted tuples:" , sorted_tuples)
Sorted tuples: [(1, 2), (12345,), (3, 4, 6, 723), (134, 234, 34)]
Time complexity: The time complexity of this algorithm is O(nklog(n)), where n is the number of tuples in the input list, and k is the maximum length of a tuple.
Space complexity: The space complexity of this algorithm is O(n*k), where n is the number of tuples in the input list, and k is the maximum length of a tuple. This is because we create a new list tuples_with_counts that is the same size as the input list, and each tuple in tuples_with_counts has an additional integer element to store the total digit count.
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