Basic Dictionary Programs
- Python | Sort Python Dictionaries by Key or Value
- Handling missing keys in Python dictionaries
- Python dictionary with keys having multiple inputs
- Python program to find the sum of all items in a dictionary
- Python program to find the size of a Dictionary
- Ways to sort list of dictionaries by values in Python – Using itemgetter
- Ways to sort list of dictionaries by values in Python – Using lambda function
- Python | Merging two Dictionaries
- Program to create grade calculator in Python
- Python – Insertion at the beginning in OrderedDict
- Python | Check order of character in string using OrderedDict( )
- Python | Find common elements in three sorted arrays by dictionary intersection
- Dictionary and counter in Python to find winner of election
- Python – Key with maximum unique values
- Find all duplicate characters in string
- Python – Group Similar items to Dictionary Values List
- K’th Non-repeating Character in Python using List Comprehension and OrderedDict
- Python – Replace String by Kth Dictionary value
- Python | Ways to remove a key from dictionary
- Python – Replace words from Dictionary
- Python – Remove Dictionary Key Words
- Python | Remove all duplicates words from a given sentence
- Python – Remove duplicate values across Dictionary Values
- Python Dictionary to find mirror characters in a string
- Counting the frequencies in a list using dictionary in Python
- Python – Dictionary Values Mean
- Python counter and dictionary intersection example (Make a string using deletion and rearrangement)
- Python dictionary, set and counter to check if frequencies can become same
- Scraping And Finding Ordered Words In A Dictionary using Python
- Possible Words using given characters in Python
- Python – Maximum record value key in dictionary
- Python – Extract values of Particular Key in Nested Values
Conversion of dictionary
- Python – Convert Key-Value list Dictionary to List of Lists
- Python – Convert List to List of dictionaries
- Python – Convert Lists of List to Dictionary
- Python – Convert List of Dictionaries to List of Lists
- Python – Convert key-values list to flat dictionary
- Python | Convert a list of Tuples into Dictionary
- Python – Convert Nested dictionary to Mapped Tuple
- Python Program to convert string to dictionary
- Python – Convert dictionary to K sized dictionaries
- Python – Convert Matrix to dictionary
Advance Dictionary Programs
- Python – Create Nested Dictionary using given List
- Python – Swapping Hierarchy in Nested Dictionaries
- Python – Inversion in nested dictionary
- Python – Reverse Dictionary Keys Order
- Python – Extract Key’s Value, if Key Present in List and Dictionary
- Python – Remove keys with Values Greater than K ( Including mixed values )
- Python – Remove keys with substring values
- Python – Dictionary with maximum count of pairs
- Python – Append Dictionary Keys and Values ( In order ) in dictionary
- Python – Extract Unique values dictionary values
- Python – Keys associated with Values in Dictionary
- Python – Filter dictionary values in heterogeneous dictionary
- Print anagrams together in Python using List and Dictionary
- Check if binary representations of two numbers are anagram
- Python Counter to find the size of largest subset of anagram word
- Count of groups having largest size while grouping according to sum of its digits
- Python – Sort Dictionary key and values List
- Python – Sort Dictionary by Values Summation
- Python – Sort dictionaries list by Key’s Value list index
- Python – Sort Nested keys by Value
- Python – Scoring Matrix using Dictionary
- Python – Factors Frequency Dictionary
- Count distinct substrings of a string using Rabin Karp algorithm
- Python program to build an undirected graph and finding shortest path using Dictionaries
- LRU Cache in Python using OrderedDict
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