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Program to create grade calculator in Python

Last Updated : 11 Apr, 2023
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Given different scored marks of students. We need to find a Grade Calculator in Python. The test score is an average of the respective marks scored in assignments, tests, and lab work. The final test score is assigned using the below formula.

10% of marks scored from submission of Assignments
70% of marks scored from Test
20% of marks scored in Lab-Works

The grade will be calculated according to the:

1. score >= 90 : "A"
2. score >= 80 : "B"
3. score >= 70 : "C"
4. score >= 60 : "D"

Also, calculate the total class average and letter grade of the class.

Create a Grade Calculator in Python

Enter Marks Obtained from 5 Subjects to get your Grade.


print("Enter Marks Obtained in 5 Subjects: ")
total1 = 44
total2 = 67
total3 = 76
total4 = 99
total5 = 58
tot = total1 + total2 + total3 + total4 + total4
avg = tot / 5
if avg >= 91 and avg <= 100:
    print("Your Grade is A1")
elif avg >= 81 and avg < 91:
    print("Your Grade is A2")
elif avg >= 71 and avg < 81:
    print("Your Grade is B1")
elif avg >= 61 and avg < 71:
    print("Your Grade is B2")
elif avg >= 51 and avg < 61:
    print("Your Grade is C1")
elif avg >= 41 and avg < 51:
    print("Your Grade is C2")
elif avg >= 33 and avg < 41:
    print("Your Grade is D")
elif avg >= 21 and avg < 33:
    print("Your Grade is E1")
elif avg >= 0 and avg < 21:
    print("Your Grade is E2")
    print("Invalid Input!")


Enter Marks Obtained in 5 Subjects: 
Your Grade is B1

Optimized code to create a grade calculator in Python


# Creating a dictionary which
# consists of the student name,
# assignment result test results
# and their respective lab results
# 1. Jack's dictionary
jack = {"name": "Jack Frost",
        "assignment": [80, 50, 40, 20],
        "test": [75, 75],
        "lab": [78.20, 77.20]
# 2. James's dictionary
james = {"name": "James Potter",
         "assignment": [82, 56, 44, 30],
         "test": [80, 80],
         "lab": [67.90, 78.72]
# 3. Dylan's dictionary
dylan = {"name": "Dylan Rhodes",
         "assignment": [77, 82, 23, 39],
         "test": [78, 77],
         "lab": [80, 80]
# 4. Jessica's dictionary
jess = {"name": "Jessica Stone",
        "assignment": [67, 55, 77, 21],
        "test": [40, 50],
        "lab": [69, 44.56]
# 5. Tom's dictionary
tom = {"name": "Tom Hanks",
       "assignment": [29, 89, 60, 56],
       "test": [65, 56],
       "lab": [50, 40.6]
# Function calculates average
def get_average(marks):
    total_sum = sum(marks)
    total_sum = float(total_sum)
    return total_sum / len(marks)
# Function calculates total average
def calculate_total_average(students):
    assignment = get_average(students["assignment"])
    test = get_average(students["test"])
    lab = get_average(students["lab"])
    # Return the result based
    # on weightage supplied
    # 10 % from assignments
    # 70 % from test
    # 20 % from lab-works
    return (0.1 * assignment +
            0.7 * test + 0.2 * lab)
# Calculate letter grade of each student
def assign_letter_grade(score):
    if score >= 90:
        return "A"
    elif score >= 80:
        return "B"
    elif score >= 70:
        return "C"
    elif score >= 60:
        return "D"
        return "E"
# Function to calculate the total
# average marks of the whole class
def class_average_is(student_list):
    result_list = []
    for student in student_list:
        stud_avg = calculate_total_average(student)
        return get_average(result_list)
# Student list consisting the
# dictionary of all students
students = [jack, james, dylan, jess, tom]
# Iterate through the students list
# and calculate their respective
# average marks and letter grade
for i in students:
    print("Average marks of %s is : %s " % (i["name"],
    print("Letter Grade of %s is : %s" % (i["name"],
# Calculate the average of whole class
class_av = class_average_is(students)
print("Class Average is %s" % (class_av))
print("Letter Grade of the class is %s "
      % (assign_letter_grade(class_av)))


Jack Frost
Average marks of Jack Frost is : 72.79 
Letter Grade of Jack Frost is : C

James Potter
Average marks of James Potter is : 75.962 
Letter Grade of James Potter is : C

Dylan Rhodes
Average marks of Dylan Rhodes is : 75.775 
Letter Grade of Dylan Rhodes is : C

Jessica Stone
Average marks of Jessica Stone is : 48.356 
Letter Grade of Jessica Stone is : E

Tom Hanks
Average marks of Tom Hanks is : 57.26 
Letter Grade of Tom Hanks is : E

Class Average is 72.79
Letter Grade of the class is C 

Time Complexity: O(n*l), Here n is the number of students and l is the total number of subjects
Auxiliary Space: O(1), As constant extra space is used.

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