How To Do Math in Python 3 with Operators?
Last Updated :
18 Apr, 2022
Python3 provides us data types like integer and float along with various operators to perform mathematical calculations for graph plotting, machine learning algorithms, Statistical, data analytical purposes. An operator is a symbol that performs specific operations, which is very useful if one is frequently dealing with numbers. Operator precedence specifies the order in which operators are evaluated when two or more operators with different precedence are adjacent in an expression. Below is a quick reference table for Unary Operators and Arithmetic Operator.
Operators in Python
Type |
Operator |
Name |
Example |
Description |
Urinary Operator |
– |
Minus |
– x |
Negates the numeric argument |
+ |
Plus |
+ x |
numeric argument unchanged. |
~ |
Invert |
– (x + 1) |
bit-wise inversion of x |
Arithmetic Operator |
+ |
Addition |
x + y |
Add two operands using ‘+’ operator in between |
– |
Subtraction |
x – y |
subtract two operands using the ‘-‘ operator in between |
* |
Multiplication |
x * y |
Multiply two operands using ‘*’ operator in between |
/ |
Division |
x / y |
Divide left operand with right operand using ‘/’ operator |
// |
Floor Division |
x // y |
Divide left operand with right operand using ‘//’ operator
and provide the only quotient as an output
** |
Exponentiation |
x ** y |
Exponentiation (power) x to the power y |
% |
Modulo |
x % y |
Divide left operand with right operand using ‘%’ operator
and provide the only remainder as an output
Operator Precedence
Operator |
Meaning |
Associativity |
** |
Exponent |
Right-to-left |
~x |
Bitwise NOT (Invert) |
Left-right |
+x, -x |
Unary plus, Unary minus |
Left-right |
*, /, //, % |
Multiplication, Division, Floor division, Modulus |
Left-right |
+, – |
Addition, Subtraction |
Left-right |
Example 1: Unary Operators.
a = 2.202
b = - 2.202
c = - a
print ( "Minus operator value 1:" , c)
c = - b
print ( "Minus operator value 2:" , c)
c = + a
print ( "Plus operator value 1:" , c)
c = + b
print ( "Plus operator value 2:" , c)
a = 2
b = - 2
c = ~a
print ( "Invert operator value 1:" , c)
c = ~b
print ( "Invert operator value 2:" , c)
Minus operator value 1: -2.202
Minus operator value 2: 2.202
Plus operator value 1: 2.202
Plus operator value 2: -2.202
Invert operator value 1: -3
Invert operator value 2: 1
Example 2: Addition Operator.
a = 4
b = - 5
d = a + b
print ( "Addition value 1:" , d)
a = [ 1 , 2 , 3 , 4 , 5 ]
b = [ 6 , 7 , 8 , 9 , 10 ]
d = []
for j in range ( len (a)):
d.append(a[j] + b[j])
print ( "Addition value 2:" , d)
Addition value 1: -1
Addition value 2: [7, 9, 11, 13, 15]
Example 3: Subtraction Operator.
a = 4
b = - 5
d = a - b
print ( "Subtraction value 1:" ,d)
a = [ 1 , 4 , 5 ]
b = [ 1 , 2 , 3 ]
print ( "Subtraction values:" )
for i in range ( len (a)) :
print (a[i] - b[i])
Subtraction value 1: 9
Subtraction values:
Example 4: Multiplication Operator.
a = 4
b = - 5
c = 5.02
d = a * b
print ( "Multiplication value 1:" , d)
d = a * c
print ( "Multiplication value 2:" , d)
Multiplication value 1: -20
Multiplication value 2: 20.08
Example 5: Division Operator.
a = 20
b = - 5
c = 5.02
d = a / b
print ( "Division value 1:" , d)
d = a / c
print ( "Division value 2:" , d)
Division value 1: -4.0
Division value 2: 3.9840637450199208
Example 6: Floor Division Operator.
a = 20
b = - 5
c = 5.02
d = a / / b
print ( "Floor Division value 1:" , d)
d = a / / c
print ( "Floor Division value 2:" , d)
Floor Division value 1: -4
Floor Division value 2: 3.0
Example 7: Exponential Operator.
a = 5
b = 3
c = - 3
d = a * * b
print ( "Exponent value 1:" , d)
d = a * * c
print ( "Exponent value 2:" , d)
Exponent value 1: 125
Exponent value 2: 0.008
Example 8: Modulo Operator.
a = 12
b = 5
c = 3
d = a % b
print ( "Modulus value 1:" , d)
d = c % b
print ( "Modulus value 2:" , d)
Modulus value 1: 2
Modulus value 2: 3
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