Convert Set to String in Python
Last Updated :
05 May, 2023
In this article, we will discuss how to convert a set to a string in Python. It can done using two ways –
Method 1: Using str() We will convert a Set into a String in Python using the str() function.
Syntax : str(object, encoding = ’utf-8?, errors = ’strict’)
Parameters :
- object : The object whose string representation is to be returned.
- encoding : Encoding of the given object.
- errors : Response when decoding fails.
Returns : String version of the given object
Example 1 :
s = { 'a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd' }
print ("Initially")
print ("The datatype of s : " + str ( type (s)))
print ("Contents of s : ", s)
s = str (s)
print ("\nAfter the conversion")
print ("The datatype of s : " + str ( type (s)))
print ("Contents of s : " + s)
Output :
The datatype of s : <class 'set'>
Contents of s : {'c', 'd', 'a', 'b'}
After the conversion
The datatype of s : <class 'str'>
Contents of s : {'c', 'd', 'a', 'b'}
Example 2 :
s = { 'g' , 'e' , 'e' , 'k' , 's' }
print ("Initially")
print ("The datatype of s : " + str ( type (s)))
print ("Contents of s : ", s)
s = str (s)
print ("\nAfter the conversion")
print ("The datatype of s : " + str ( type (s)))
print ("Contents of s : " + s)
Output :
The datatype of s : <class 'set'>
Contents of s : {'k', 'g', 's', 'e'}
After the conversion
The datatype of s : <class 'str'>
Contents of s : {'k', 'g', 's', 'e'}
Method 2: Using Join() The join() method is a string method and returns a string in which the elements of sequence have been joined by str separator.
s = { 'a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd' }
print ("Initially")
print ("The datatype of s : " + str ( type (s)))
print ("Contents of s : ", s)
S = ', ' .join(s)
print ("The datatype of s : " + str ( type (S)))
print ("Contents of s : ", S)
The datatype of s : <class 'set'>
Contents of s : {'c', 'd', 'a', 'b'}
The datatype of s : <class 'str'>
Contents of s : c, d, a, b
Method 2: Using functools.reduce()
functools.reduce(function, set)
- Initialize the set.
- Use reduce function which takes a function and sets it as parameters.
- The function applies to each item of the set.
- Function concatenate the items of the set.
from functools import reduce
s = { 'a' , 'b' , 'c' , 'd' }
print ( "Initially" )
print ( "The datatype of s : " + str ( type (s)))
print ( "Contents of s : " , s)
S = reduce ( lambda a, b : a + ', ' + b , s)
print ( "The datatype of s : " + str ( type (S)))
print ( "Contents of s : " , S)
The datatype of s : <class 'set'>
Contents of s : {'a', 'c', 'd', 'b'}
The datatype of s : <class 'str'>
Contents of s : a, c, d, b
Time complexity: O(N) N is the length of the set over which reduce function iterate.
Space complexity: O(1) Because no extra space is used.
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