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Convert Strings to Numbers and Numbers to Strings in Python

Last Updated : 12 Jan, 2023
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In Python, strings or numbers can be converted to a number of strings using various inbuilt functions like str(), int(), float(), etc. Let’s see how to use each of them. 

Example 1: Converting a Python String to an int:


# code
# gfg contains string 10
gfg = "10"
# using the int(), string is auto converted to int



Example 2: Converting a Python String to float:


# code
gfg = "10"
# float(gfg) gives 10.0



Example 3: Converting a Python int to a String:

This is achieved by using str() function as shown below


# code
gfg = 100
# str(gfg) gives '100'
print(str(gfg)+" is a 3 digit number")
# concatenation is performed between them


100 is a 3 digit number

Example 4: Converting a Python float to a String

This is achieved by using str() function as shown below


# code
gfg = 20.0
# str(gfg) becomes '20.0'
print(str(gfg)+"is now a string")
# no addition is performed. concatenated output


20.0is now a string

Example 5: Converting python int to string using format() function 


# python program to convert integer number
# to string using format() function
intnum = 20
print("string is {} ".format(intnum))
print(type("string is {} ".format(intnum)))


string is 20 
<class 'str'>

Example 5: Converting python float to string using format() function 


# python program to convert float integer number
# to string using format() function
floatnum = 20.00
print("string is {} ".format(floatnum))
print(type("string is {} ".format(floatnum)))


string is 20.0 
<class 'str'>

Example 6: Converting python string to int using eval() function 


# converting python string to
# int using eval() function
a = "100"



Example 7: Converting python string to float using eval() function  


# converting python string to
# float using eval() function
a = "100.00"



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