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Python string | ascii_uppercase

Last Updated : 08 Feb, 2024
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In Python3, ascii_uppercase is a pre-initialized string used as a string constant. In Python, the string ascii_uppercase will give the uppercase letters ‘ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZ’.

Syntax : string.ascii_uppercase Parameters: Doesn’t take any parameter, since it’s not a function. Returns: Return all uppercase letters.

Note: Make sure to import the string library function to use ascii_lowercase.

Code #1 :


# import string library function
import string
# Storing the value in variable result
result = string.ascii_uppercase
# Printing the value

Output :


Code #2 :

Given code checks if the string input has only upper ASCII characters.


# importing string library function
import string
# Function checks if input string
# has upper ascii letters or not
def check(value):
    for letter in value:
        # If anything other than upper ascii
        # letter is present, then return
        # False, else return True
        if letter not in string.ascii_uppercase:
            return False
    return True
# Driver Code
input1 = "GeeksForGeeks"
print(input1, "--> ",  check(input1))
input2 = "GEEKS FOR GEEKS"
print(input2, "--> ", check(input2))
print(input3, "--> ", check(input3))


GeeksForGeeks -->  False

Applications : The string constant ascii_uppercase can be used in many practical applications. Let’s see a code explaining how to use ascii_uppercase to generate strong random passwords of given size.


# Importing random to generate
# random string sequence
import random
# Importing string library function
import string
def rand_pass(size):
    # Takes random choices from
    # ascii_letters and digits
    generate_pass = ''.join([random.choice(
                        string.ascii_uppercase + string.digits)
                        for n in range(size)])
    return generate_pass
# Driver Code 
password = rand_pass(10)



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