expandtabs() method in Python
Last Updated :
18 Aug, 2022
Python String expandtabs() Method specifies the amount of space to be substituted with the “\t” symbol in the string.
Python String expandtabs() Method Syntax
Syntax : expandtabs(space_size)
- tabsize : Specifies the space that is to be replaced with the “\t” symbol in the string. By default the space is 8.
Return : Returns the modified string with tabs replaced by the space.
Python String expandtabs() Method Example
Example 1: expandtabs() With no Argument
string = "\t\tCenter\t\t"
print (string.expandtabs())
Example 2: expandtabs() with different argument
Here, we have demonstrated multiple usages of the Python String expandtabs() Method with different tabsize parameter values.
string = "i\tlove\tgfg"
print ( "Modified string using default spacing: " , end = "")
print (string.expandtabs())
print ()
print ( "Modified string using less spacing: " , end = "")
print (string.expandtabs( 2 ))
print ()
print ( "Modified string using more spacing: " , end = "")
print (string.expandtabs( 12 ))
print ()
Modified string using default spacing: i love gfg
Modified string using less spacing: i love gfg
Modified string using more spacing: i love gfg
Exception : Using expandtabs() on float or int types, raises AttributeError
TypeError when using expandtabs()
If we pass float or any other non-integer argument in “tabsize” parameter of Python String expandtabs() Method. It raises a TypeError.
string = "\tcenter\t"
print (string.expandtabs( 1.1 ))
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "/home/358ee0f95cc3b39382a3849ec716fc37.py", line 2, in <module>
TypeError: integer argument expected, got float
Applications : There are many possible applications where this can be used, such as text formatting or documentation, where user requirements keep on changing.
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