SequenceMatcher in Python for Longest Common Substring
Last Updated :
24 Mar, 2023
Given two strings ‘X’ and ‘Y’, print the longest common sub-string. Examples:
Input : X = "GeeksforGeeks",
Y = "GeeksQuiz"
Output : Geeks
Input : X = "zxabcdezy",
Y = "yzabcdezx"
Output : abcdez
We have existing solution for this problem please refer Print the longest common substring link. We will solve problem in python using SequenceMatcher.find_longest_match() method.
How SequenceMatcher.find_longest_match(aLow,aHigh,bLow,bHigh) method works ?
First we initialize SequenceMatcher object with two input string str1 and str2, find_longest_match(aLow,aHigh,bLow,bHigh) takes 4 parameters aLow, bLow are start index of first and second string respectively and aHigh, bHigh are length of first and second string respectively. find_longest_match() returns named tuple (i, j, k) such that a[i:i+k] is equal to b[j:j+k], if no blocks match, this returns (aLow, bLow, 0).
from difflib import SequenceMatcher
def longestSubstring(str1,str2):
seqMatch = SequenceMatcher( None ,str1,str2)
match = seqMatch.find_longest_match( 0 , len (str1), 0 , len (str2))
if (match.size! = 0 ):
print (str1[(match.a: match.a + match.size)])
else :
print ( 'No longest common sub-string found' )
if __name__ = = "__main__" :
str1 = 'GeeksforGeeks'
str2 = 'GeeksQuiz'
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