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Print number with commas as 1000 separators in Python

Last Updated : 21 Jul, 2022
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In this program, we need to print the output of a given integer in international place value format and put commas at the appropriate place, from the right. Let’s see an example of how to print numbers with commas as thousands of separators in Python.


Input : 1000000
Output : 1,000,000

Input : 1000
Output : 1,00

Method 1: using f-string

F-strings provide a concise and convenient way to embed python expressions inside string literals for formatting. The inner part within the curly brackets : , says to format the number and use commas as thousand separators.

Example 1:

Format the number and add commas as a thousand separators to use the ‘,d’ formatting syntax in the format() function.


num = 1000000000



Example 2:

F-string with replaces function.


res = f'{10000000:,}'.replace('.',',')



Method 2: string.format()

Here, we have used the “{:,}” along with the format() function to add commas every thousand places starting from left. This is introduced in Python and it automatically adds a comma on writing the following syntax. 

Example 1:

Numbers with an integer.


res = '{:,}'.format(1000000)



Example 2:

Numbers with decimal.


num = 123456.1234567
res = '{:,.2f}'.format(num)



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