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Zip function in Python to change to a new character set

Last Updated : 27 Jul, 2022
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Given a 26 letter character set, which is equivalent to character set of English alphabet i.e. (abcd….xyz) and act as a relation. We are also given several sentences and we have to translate them with the help of given new character set. 


New character set : qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm
Input : "utta"
Output : geek

Input : "egrt"
Output : code

We have existing solution for this problem please refer Change string to a new character set link. We will solve this problem in python using Zip() method and Dictionary data structures. Approach is simple,

  1. Create a dictionary data structure where we will map original character set in english language with new given character set, zip(newCharSet,origCharSet) does it for us. It will map each character of original character set onto each given character of new character set sequentially and return list of tuples of pairs, now we convert it into dictionary using dict().
  2. Now iterate through original string and convert it into new string.



# Function to change string to a new character
def newString(charSet,input):
    # map original character set of english
    # onto new character set given
    origCharSet = 'abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz'
    mapChars = dict(zip(charSet,origCharSet))
    # iterate through original string and get
    #  characters of original character set
    changeChars = [mapChars[chr] for chr in input]
    # join characters without space to get new string
    print (''.join(changeChars))
# Driver program
if __name__ == "__main__":
    charSet = 'qwertyuiopasdfghjklzxcvbnm'
    input = 'utta'



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