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Sort the words in lexicographical order in Python

Last Updated : 18 Jul, 2022
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Given a strings, we need to sort the words in lexicographical order (dictionary order). Examples :

Input :  "hello python program how are you"
Output :  are

Input :   "Coders loves the algorithms"
Output :  Coders

Note: The words which have first letter is capital letter they will print according alphabetical manner.

Approach : Approach used in this program is very simple. Split the strings using split() function. After that sort the words in lexicographical order using sort(). Iterate the words through loop and print each word, which are already sorted.


# Python program to sort the words in lexicographical
# order
def sortLexo(my_string):
    # Split the my_string till where space is found.
    words = my_string.split()
    # sort() will sort the strings.
    # Iterate i through 'words' to print the words
    # in alphabetical manner.
    for i in words:
        print( i )
# Driver code
if __name__ == '__main__':
    my_string = "hello this is example how to sort " \
              "the word in alphabetical manner"
    # Calling function

Output :


Time Complexity: O(nlogn) where n is the length of the string.
Auxiliary Space: O(n)

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