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Indexing Lists Of Lists In Python

Last Updated : 12 Feb, 2024
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Lists of lists are a common data structure in Python, providing a versatile way to organize and manipulate data. When working with nested lists, it’s crucial to understand how to index and access elements efficiently. In this article, we will explore three methods to index lists of lists in Python using the creation of a sample list, followed by examples using slicing, for loops, and list comprehensions.


Input: [[1, 2, 3], [4,5,6],[7,8,9]]
Output: 6

Indexing Lists Of Lists In Python

Below, are the methods of Indexing Lists Of Lists In Python.

Creating a List of Lists

Before delving into indexing methods, let’s start by creating a sample list of lists: For the purpose of this article, we’ll use this matrix as our sample list of lists.


# Sample list of lists
matrix = [
    [1, 2, 3],
    [4, 5, 6],
    [7, 8, 9]

Indexing Lists Of Lists In Python Using For Loop

In this example, The code demonstrates indexing a list of lists using a nested for loop. It iterates through each row and column of the matrix, printing the element at each position along with its coordinates.


# Indexing using a for loop
rows = len(matrix)
columns = len(matrix[0])
print("\nUsing For Loop:")
for i in range(rows):
    for j in range(columns):
        print(f"Element at ({i}, {j}): {matrix[i][j]}")


Using For Loop:
Element at (0, 0): 1
Element at (0, 1): 2
Element at (0, 2): 3
Element at (1, 0): 4
Element at (1, 1): 5
Element at (1, 2): 6
Element at (2, 0): 7
Element at (2, 1): 8
Element at (2, 2): 9

Indexing Lists Of Lists In Python Using List Comprehension

In this example, below code utilizes list comprehension to flatten a list of lists (matrix) into a single list (flat_list). It succinctly combines elements from each row into a unified structure, resulting in a flattened representation of the original nested data.


# Indexing using list comprehension
flat_list = [element for row in matrix for element in row]
print("\nUsing List Comprehension:")
print("Flattened List:", flat_list)


Using List Comprehension:
Flattened List: [1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9]

Indexing Lists Of Lists In Python Using Slicing

In this example, This code showcases indexing a list of lists using slicing. It extracts the first row and the second column from the matrix, demonstrating the application of slicing to access specific sections of nested data efficiently.


# Indexing rows using slicing
first_row = matrix[0]
second_column = [row[1] for row in matrix]
print("Using Slicing:")
print("First Row:", first_row)
print("Second Column:", second_column)


Using Slicing:
First Row: [1, 2, 3]
Second Column: [2, 5, 8]


Indexing lists of lists in Python is a fundamental skill, and the methods discussed in this article – using slicing, for loops, and list comprehensions – provide different approaches to access and manipulate nested data structures efficiently. Choose the method that best fits your specific use case for optimal code readability and performance.

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