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How to Create a List of N-Lists in Python

Last Updated : 28 Dec, 2022
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In this article, we will cover how to create a list of n-lists in Python.

In Python, we can have a list of many different kinds, including strings, numbers, and more. Python also allows us to create a nested list, often known as a two-dimensional list, which is a list within a list. Here we will cover different approaches to creating a list of n-lists in Python

The different approaches that we will cover in this article are:

Creating a list of n-lists in Python

Example 1: Using simple multiplication 

In this example, we are multiplying the list by 4 to get a list of lists.


# Create a list with 4 references of same sub list
lis = [[]] * 4


[[], [], [], []]

Example 2: Using List comprehension 

In this example, we are using list comprehension for generating a list of lists.


d1 = [[] for x in range(6)]


[[], [], [], [], [], []]

Example 3: Using a loop

In this example, we are creating a list using a loop with a range of 6 and appending lists into a list.


list1 = []
list2 = []
for x in range(0,5):


[[], [], [], [], []]

Example4 : Using itertools

Using the built-in repeat function from the itertools module. This function allows you to repeat a given object a certain number of times, which can be useful for creating lists of lists.

Here is an example of how you can use repeat to create a list of lists in Python:


from itertools import repeat
# Create a list of lists with 5 sub-lists
n_lists = list(repeat([], 5))
print(n_lists)  # Output: [[], [], [], [], []]


[[], [], [], [], []]

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