Mathematical Functions in Python | Set 4 (Special Functions and Constants)
Last Updated :
29 Jul, 2016
Some of the mathematical functions are discussed in below set 1, set 2 and set 3
Mathematical Functions in Python | Set 1 (Numeric Functions)
Mathematical Functions in Python | Set 2 (Logarithmic and Power Functions)
Mathematical Functions in Python | Set 3 (Trigonometric and Angular Functions)
Special Functions and constants are discussed in this article.
1. gamma() :- This function is used to return the gamma function of the argument.
import math
a = 4
print ( "The gamma() of 4 is : " , end = "")
print (math.gamma(a))
The gamma() of 4 is : 6.0
2. pi :- This is an inbuilt constant that outputs the value of pi(3.141592).
3. e :- This is an inbuilt constant that outputs the value of e(2.718281).
import math
print ( "The value of const. pi is : " , end = "")
print (math.pi)
print ( "The value of const. e is : " , end = "")
print (math.e)
The value of const. pi is : 3.141592653589793
The value of const. e is : 2.718281828459045
4. inf :- This is a positive floating point infinity constant. -inf is used to denote the negative floating point infinity. This constant is defined in python 3.5 and above.
5. isinf() :- This function is used to check whether the value is an infinity or not.
6. nan :- This constant denotes “Not a number” in python. This constant is defined in python 3.5 and above.
7. isnan() :- This function returns true if the number is “nan” else returns false.
import math
if (math.isnan(math.nan)):
print ( "The number is nan" )
else : print ( "The number is not nan" )
if (math.isinf(math.inf)):
print ( "The number is positive infinity" )
else : print ( "The number is not positive infinity" )
The number is nan
The number is positive infinity
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