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Prefix to Infix Conversion

Last Updated : 03 Aug, 2022
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Infix : An expression is called the Infix expression if the operator appears in between the operands in the expression. Simply of the form (operand1 operator operand2). 
Example : (A+B) * (C-D)

Prefix : An expression is called the prefix expression if the operator appears in the expression before the operands. Simply of the form (operator operand1 operand2). 
Example : *+AB-CD (Infix : (A+B) * (C-D) )

Given a Prefix expression, convert it into a Infix expression. 
Computers usually does the computation in either prefix or postfix (usually postfix). But for humans, its easier to understand an Infix expression rather than a prefix. Hence conversion is need for human understanding.


Input :  Prefix :  *+AB-CD
Output : Infix : ((A+B)*(C-D))

Input :  Prefix :  *-A/BC-/AKL
Output : Infix : ((A-(B/C))*((A/K)-L))

Algorithm for Prefix to Infix

  • Read the Prefix expression in reverse order (from right to left)
  • If the symbol is an operand, then push it onto the Stack
  • If the symbol is an operator, then pop two operands from the Stack 
    Create a string by concatenating the two operands and the operator between them. 
    string = (operand1 + operator + operand2) 
    And push the resultant string back to Stack
  • Repeat the above steps until the end of Prefix expression.
  • At the end stack will have only 1 string i.e resultant string



// C++ Program to convert prefix to Infix
#include <iostream>
#include <stack>
using namespace std;
// function to check if character is operator or not
bool isOperator(char x) {
  switch (x) {
  case '+':
  case '-':
  case '/':
  case '*':
  case '^':
  case '%':
    return true;
  return false;
// Convert prefix to Infix expression
string preToInfix(string pre_exp) {
  stack<string> s;
  // length of expression
  int length = pre_exp.size();
  // reading from right to left
  for (int i = length - 1; i >= 0; i--) {
    // check if symbol is operator
    if (isOperator(pre_exp[i])) {
      // pop two operands from stack
      string op1 =;   s.pop();
      string op2 =;   s.pop();
      // concat the operands and operator
      string temp = "(" + op1 + pre_exp[i] + op2 + ")";
      // Push string temp back to stack
    // if symbol is an operand
    else {
      // push the operand to the stack
      s.push(string(1, pre_exp[i]));
  // Stack now contains the Infix expression
// Driver Code
int main() {
  string pre_exp = "*-A/BC-/AKL";
  cout << "Infix : " << preToInfix(pre_exp);
  return 0;


// Java program to convert prefix to Infix
import java.util.Stack;
class GFG{
// Function to check if character
// is operator or not    
static    boolean isOperator(char x)
        case '+':
        case '-':
        case '*':
        case '/':
        case '^':
        case '%':
            return true;
    return false;
// Convert prefix to Infix expression
public static String convert(String str)
    Stack<String> stack = new Stack<>();
    // Length of expression
    int l = str.length();
    // Reading from right to left
    for(int i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        char c = str.charAt(i);
        if (isOperator(c))
            String op1 = stack.pop();
            String op2 = stack.pop();
            // Concat the operands and operator
            String temp = "(" + op1 + c + op2 + ")";
            // To make character to string
            stack.push(c + "");
    return stack.pop();
// Driver code
public static void main(String[] args)
    String exp = "*-A/BC-/AKL";
    System.out.println("Infix : " + convert(exp));
// This code is contributed by abbeyme


# Python Program to convert prefix to Infix
def prefixToInfix(prefix):
    stack = []
    # read prefix in reverse order
    i = len(prefix) - 1
    while i >= 0:
        if not isOperator(prefix[i]):
            # symbol is operand
            i -= 1
            # symbol is operator
            str = "(" + stack.pop() + prefix[i] + stack.pop() + ")"
            i -= 1
    return stack.pop()
def isOperator(c):
    if c == "*" or c == "+" or c == "-" or c == "/" or c == "^" or c == "(" or c == ")":
        return True
        return False
# Driver code
if __name__=="__main__":
    str = "*-A/BC-/AKL"
# This code is contributed by avishekarora


// C# program to convert prefix to Infix
using System;
using System.Collections;
class GFG{
// Function to check if character
// is operator or not    
static bool isOperator(char x)
        case '+':
        case '-':
        case '*':
        case '/':
        case '^':
        case '%':
            return true;
    return false;
// Convert prefix to Infix expression
public static string convert(string str)
    Stack stack = new Stack();
    // Length of expression
    int l = str.Length;
    // Reading from right to left
    for(int i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--)
        char c = str[i];
        if (isOperator(c))
            string op1 = (string)stack.Pop();
            string op2 = (string)stack.Pop();
            // Concat the operands and operator
            string temp = "(" + op1 + c + op2 + ")";
            // To make character to string
            stack.Push(c + "");
    return (string)stack.Pop();
// Driver code
public static void Main(string[] args)
    string exp = "*-A/BC-/AKL";
    Console.Write("Infix : " + convert(exp));
// This code is contributed by rutvik_56


    // Javascript program to convert prefix to Infix
    // Function to check if character
    // is operator or not   
    function isOperator(x)
            case '+':
            case '-':
            case '*':
            case '/':
            case '^':
            case '%':
                return true;
        return false;
    // Convert prefix to Infix expression
    function convert(str)
        let stack = [];
        // Length of expression
        let l = str.length;
        // Reading from right to left
        for(let i = l - 1; i >= 0; i--)
            let c = str[i];
            if (isOperator(c))
                let op1 = stack[stack.length - 1];
                let op2 = stack[stack.length - 1];
                // Concat the operands and operator
                let temp = "(" + op1 + c + op2 + ")";
                // To make character to string
                stack.push(c + "");
        return stack[stack.length - 1];
    let exp = "*-A/BC-/AKL";
    document.write("Infix : " + convert(exp));
    // This code is contributed by suresh07.


Infix : ((A-(B/C))*((A/K)-L))

Time Complexity: O(n)
Auxiliary Space: O(n)

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