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Python – Stack and StackSwitcher in GTK+ 3

Last Updated : 31 Dec, 2020
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A Gtk.Stack is a container which allows visibility to one of its child at a time. Gtk.Stack does not provide any direct access for users to change the visible child. Instead, the Gtk.StackSwitcher widget can be used with Gtk.Stack to obtain this functionality.
In Gtk.Stack transitions between pages can be done by means of slides or fades. This can be controlled with Gtk.Stack.set_transition_type().

The Gtk.StackSwitcher widget acts as a controller for a Gtk.Stack ; it shows a row of buttons to switch between the various pages of the associated stack widget. The content for the buttons comes from the child properties of the Gtk.Stack.

Follow below steps:

  1. import GTK+ 3 module.
  2. Create main window.
  3. Implement Stack.
  4. Implement Button.
  5. Implement Label.
  6. Implement StackSwitcher.
Example :

import gi
# Since a system can have multiple versions
# of GTK + installed, we want to make 
# sure that we are importing GTK + 3.
gi.require_version("Gtk", "3.0")
from gi.repository import Gtk
class StackWindow(Gtk.Window):
    def __init__(self):
        Gtk.Window.__init__(self, title ="Geeks for Geeks")
        # Creating a box vertically oriented with a space of 100 pixel.
        vbox = Gtk.Box(orientation = Gtk.Orientation.VERTICAL, spacing = 100)
        # Creating stack, transition type and transition duration.
        stack = Gtk.Stack()
        # Creating the check button.
        checkbutton = Gtk.CheckButton("Yes")
        stack.add_titled(checkbutton, "check", "Check Button")
        # Creating label .
        label = Gtk.Label()
        label.set_markup("<big>Hello World</big>")
        stack.add_titled(label, "label", "Label")
        # Implementation of stack switcher.
        stack_switcher = Gtk.StackSwitcher()
        vbox.pack_start(stack_switcher, True, True, 0)
        vbox.pack_start(stack, True, True, 0)
win = StackWindow()
win.connect("destroy", Gtk.main_quit)

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