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Python List append() Method

Last Updated : 21 Dec, 2023
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Python list append() method is used to add elements at the end of the list.





[2, 5, 6, 7, 8]

Python List Append() Syntax



  • element: an element (number, string, list, etc.) to be added at the end of the list. The parameter is mandatory and omitting it can cause an error.

What is List Append() in Python?

Python list append function is a pre-defined function that takes a value as a parameter and adds it at the end of the list. append() function can take any type of data as input, including a number, a string, a decimal number, a list, or another object.

How to use list append() method in Python?

It is very easy to use function you just need to call function with list object and passing value as parameter.

Adding elements to the end of a list with Python’s append() method increases the list’s size. It offers a practical method to add one or more elements to an existing list. Here is an example of using the List Append() method.

Python List append() Method

More Python List append() Examples of

Here are some examples and use-cases of list append() function in Python.

Append to list in Python using List.append() Method

List.append() method is used to add an element to the end of a list in Python or append a list in Python, modifying the list in place. For example: `my_list.append(5)` adds the element `5` to the end of the list `my_list`.

Example: In this example, the In below code Python list append() adds a new element at the end of list.


# using list fruits
fruits = ["apple", "cherry", "banana"]
# adding new element grapes
# priting the fruits list

Output :

['apple', 'cherry', 'banana', 'grapes']

Add List to the List using Python List Append() Method

This method involves appending a list to another list in Python using the `append()` method, thereby adding the entire list as a single element to the target list.

Example: In this example, we will append a complete list at the end of the given list.


# my_list
my_list = ['geeks', 'for', 'geeks']
# another list
another_list = [6, 0, 4, 1]
# append another_list to my_list


['geeks', 'for', 'geeks', [6, 0, 4, 1]]

Note: A list is an object. If you append another list onto a list, the parameter list will be a single object at the end of the list. If you want to append the elements of a list to another list you can use Python’s List extend() method.
Time complexity: O(1) or constant time. This is because lists can be accessed randomly using indexing, so the last element can be accessed easily in O(1) time.

We have discussed the definition, syntax, and examples of append() in Python. Append function is a very basic and useful operation in Python programming and should be known by every Python student.

Read Other Python List Methods

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