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How to Debug Apache RewriteRule or mod_rewrite?

Last Updated : 21 Jun, 2024
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The mod_rewrite module in Apache is used to rewrite URLs. This is a powerful tool that allows the client to modify the requested URL before the server processes the request. Rewrite rules are defined in Apache configuration files (e.g., httpd.conf) or .htaccess files.

The mod_rewrite uses

  • Rewriting URLs for cleaner or more user-friendly paths
  • Restricting access based on conditions
  • Implementing SEO-friendly URLs

Issues with mod_rewrite

  • Incorrect rule structure: Poorly formulated rules can lead to unpredictable behaviour .
  • Rule Order: The order in which rules are applied can affect the outcome.
  • Licensing and Access Control: Ensure that .htaccess files are authorized by your server system.
  • Cache issues: Browser or server-side caching can prevent changes.

Steps for debugging mod_rewrite on Windows

Step 1: Enable Rewrite Logging

Apache provides rewrite logging which can be useful for debugging. Follow these steps to make it work on Windows.

  • Locating the configuration file for Apache:
  • Find your Apache configuration file, which is often kept in the installation’s conf directory. The primary configuration file is commonly referred to as httpd.conf.


  • Enable RewriteLog: Include the following instructions for rewriting. You may need to adjust the log level based on your needs.
LogLevel alert rewrite:trace6
  • The LogLevel directive in rewrite:trace6 will record detailed information about the rewrite process. The values ​​range from trace1 (with the lowest score) to trace8 (with the highest score).
  • behaviour Make sure you have a dedicated log file for rewriting logs. This helps to separate repetitions from other records.
ErrorLog "logs/rewrite.log"
  • Restart Apache: After making these changes, restart Apache to apply the new configuration. You can do this from the Apache Monitor or by using the command line:
httpd -k restart

Step 2: Check Apache Logs

Once logging is enabled, you can check the logs to see detailed information about the rewrite process.

  • View the Logs: Open the log file you specified earlier. For example:
  • Explore the logs: Find logs about your rewrite code. The log entries will show you how the URL changed, what rules were applied, and whatever conditions were checked.

Step 3: Test your Rewrite Rule

To thoroughly test your rewriting rules:

  • Use the test tool: Tools like htaccess tester or htaccess online can mimic the actions of your rewrite code.
  • Command Line Test: You can also use curl to test your URL from the command line. On Windows you may need to install curl or use it from Git Bash.
curl -I http://localhost/some/path
  • Browser test: Clear your browser cache or use hidden mode to avoid cached results. Go directly to the URL in the browser and watch the URL change.

Step 4: Review and revise your rules

  • See order and Structure: Make sure your rules are well-written and sequenced. Remember, Apache handles code from top to bottom.
RewriteEngine On
RewriteRule ^old-path$ /new-path [R=301,L]
  • Use Flags Appropriately: Flags like [L] (last rule), [R=301] (permanent redirect), [NC] (case-insensitive), and others modify the behavior of your rules. Make sure you’re using them correctly.
RewriteRule ^old-path$ /new-path [R=301,L]
  • Test in Stages: If you have complex rules, test them incrementally. Add one rule at a time and verify its behavior before adding the next.

Step 5: Solving common issues

  • The rules do not apply:

Check if mod_rewrite is enabled: LoadModule rewrite_module modules/ Make sure the directive is not commented in your httpd.conf. and verify the .htaccess usage ensuring AllowOverride is set correctly in apache configuration to allow .htaccess files to be processed.

LoadModule rewrite_module modules/
<Directory "C:/Apache24/htdocs">
AllowOverride All
  • Infinite Redirect Loop:
    • Check for conflicting rules that might cause a loop.
    • Ensure proper use of [L] flag to prevent further processing after a match.
  • Condition Not Matching:
    • Verify the syntax of your conditions.
    • Use %{REQUEST_URI}, %{HTTP_HOST}, and other server variables correctly.
RewriteCond %{HTTP_HOST} ^www\.example\.com$
RewriteRule ^(.*)$$1 [R=301,L]

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