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Disjoint Set Data Structures

Last Updated : 22 Sep, 2023
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A disjoint-set data structure is defined as one that keeps track of a set of elements partitioned into a number of disjoint (non-overlapping) subsets.

A union-find algorithm is an algorithm that performs two useful operations on such a data structure:

  • Find: Determine which subset a particular element is in. This can determine if two elements are in the same subset.
  • Union: Join two subsets into a single subset. Here first we have to check if the two subsets belong to the same set. If not, then we cannot perform union. 

Applications of Disjoint set Union: 

S. No.


Practice link


Kruskal’s Minimum Spanning Tree Algorithm.



Job Sequencing Problem.



Cycle Detection



Number of pairs



City With the Smallest Number of Neighbors at a Threshold Distance


Practice problems for DSU:



Difference between Smallest and Largest Component of the graph after each Query


Equation satisfiability check


Evaluate the Fractions


Substring segment query & modification


Maximum number of soldier in a team


Minimum difference between components of the Graph after each query


Minimum cost to provide water


Minimum operations for adjacent E and E+1 pairing


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