Take Matrix input from user in Python
Last Updated :
21 Feb, 2023
Matrix is nothing but a rectangular arrangement of data or numbers. In other words, it is a rectangular array of data or numbers. The horizontal entries in a matrix are called as ‘rows’ while the vertical entries are called as ‘columns’. If a matrix has r number of rows and c number of columns then the order of matrix is given by r x c. Each entries in a matrix can be integer values, or floating values, or even it can be complex numbers.
// 3 x 4 matrix
1 2 3 4
M = 4 5 6 7
6 7 8 9
// 2 x 3 matrix in Python
A = ( [ 2, 5, 7 ],
[ 4, 7, 9 ] )
// 3 x 4 matrix in Python where entries are floating numbers
B = ( [ 1.0, 3.5, 5.4, 7.9 ],
[ 9.0, 2.5, 4.2, 3.6 ],
[ 1.5, 3.2, 1.6, 6.5 ] )
In Python, we can take a user input matrix in different ways. Some of the methods for user input matrix in Python are shown below:
Code #1:
R = int ( input ("Enter the number of rows:"))
C = int ( input ("Enter the number of columns:"))
matrix = []
print ("Enter the entries rowwise:")
for i in range (R):
a = []
for j in range (C):
a.append( int ( input ()))
for i in range (R):
for j in range (C):
print (matrix[i][j], end = " ")
print ()
Enter the number of rows:2
Enter the number of columns:3
Enter the entries rowwise:
1 2 3
4 5 6
Time complexity: O(RC)
Auxiliary space: O(RC)
One liner:
mat = [[ int ( input ()) for x in range (C)] for y in range (R)]
Code #2: Using map() function and Numpy. In Python, there exists a popular library called NumPy. This library is a fundamental library for any scientific computation. It is also used for multidimensional arrays and as we know matrix is a rectangular array, we will use this library for user input matrix.
import numpy as np
R = int ( input ( "Enter the number of rows:" ))
C = int ( input ( "Enter the number of columns:" ))
print ( "Enter the entries in a single line (separated by space): " )
entries = list ( map ( int , input ().split()))
matrix = np.array(entries).reshape(R, C)
print (matrix)
Enter the number of rows:2
Enter the number of columns:2
Enter the entries in a single line separated by space: 1 2 3 1
[[1 2]
[3 1]]
Time complexity: O(RC), as the code iterates through RC elements to create the matrix.
Auxiliary space: O(RC), as the code creates an RC sized matrix to store the entries.
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