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Python | os.wait() method

Last Updated : 26 Aug, 2019
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OS module in Python provides functions for interacting with the operating system. OS comes under Python’s standard utility modules. This module provides a portable way of using operating system dependent functionality.

os.wait() method in Python is used by a process to wait for completion of a child process.
This method returns a tuple containing its PID and exit status indication. The exit status of child process is indicated by a 16 bit number whose lower byte is the signal number that killed the process and higher byte is the exit status (if the signal number is zero).

Syntax: os.wait()

Parameter: No parameter is required.

Return type: This method returns a tuple which contains terminated child’s PID and exit status indication.

Code: Use of os.wait() method

# Python program to explain os.wait() method 
# importing os module  
import os 
# Create a child process
# using os.fork() method 
pid = os.fork()
# a Non-zero process id (pid)
# indicates the parent process 
if pid :
    # Wait for the completion of
    # child process using
    # os.wait() method    
    status = os.wait()
    print("\nIn parent process-")
    print("Terminated child's process id:", status[0])
    print("Signal number that killed the child process:", status[1])
else :
    print("In Child process-")
    print("Process ID:", os.getpid())
    print("Hello ! Geeks")
# using os.wait() method    
# Parent process will wait till 
# the completion of child process
# and then only it will 
# begin its execution


In Child process-
Process ID: 6276
Hello! Geeks

In parent process-
Terminated child's process id: 6276
Signal number that killed the child process: 0

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