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How to create linked list?

Last Updated : 30 May, 2024
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In this article, we will explore the process of creating a linked list. A linked list consists of nodes, each containing data and a reference to the next node. We will walk through the steps of defining the node structure, initializing the head of the list, creating new nodes, and linking these nodes to form the list. By the end of this article, you will have a clear understanding of how to implement a linked list.


LinkedList Structure

A LinkedList is a linear data structure where each element is a separate object called a node. Each node contains two fields: one for data and one for the reference to the next node. The first node is called the head. If the LinkedList is empty, the head is a null reference.

How to create linked list?

A linked list is a dynamic data structure that consists of nodes. Each node contains two fields: one for storing data and the other for storing the address of the next node in the list.

Here’s how you can create a linked list:

Step 1: Define the Node Structure

First, we need to define the structure of a node in the linked list. Each node will contain some data and a pointer to the next node.

struct Node {
    int data; // The data stored in the node
    Node* next; // Pointer to the next node
class Node {
    int data; // The data stored in the node
    Node next; // Pointer to the next node
class Node:
    def __init__(self, data): = data  # The data stored in the node = None   # Pointer to the next node
class Node {
    constructor(data) { = data;  // The data stored in the node = null;  // Pointer to the next node

Step 2: Initialize the Head of the List

The head of the list is the first node in the list. Initially, the list is empty, so the head is a null pointer.

Node* head = nullptr;
Node head = null;
head = None
let head = null;

Step 3: Create New Nodes

To add elements to the list, we create new nodes. Each new node should be dynamically allocated using the new keyword.

Node* newNode = new Node();
Node newNode = new Node();
newNode = Node()
let newNode = new Node();

After creating a new node, we can set the data field and initialize the next pointer to null.

newNode->data = 1; // Replace 1 with the actual data
newNode->next = nullptr;
Java = 1; // Replace 1 with the actual data = null;
Python = 1  # Replace 1 with the actual data = None
JavaScript = 1;  // Replace 1 with the actual data = null;

Step 4: Link the Nodes

If the list is not empty, we need to traverse the list to find the last node and update its next pointer.

if (head == nullptr) {
    // The list is empty, so the new node is the head of the list
    head = newNode;
} else {
    // The list is not empty, traverse the list to find the last node
    Node* temp = head;
    while (temp->next != nullptr) {
        temp = temp->next;
    // Now temp points to the last node, link the new node
    temp->next = newNode;
if (head == null) {
    // The list is empty, so the new node is the head of the list
    head = newNode;
} else {
    // The list is not empty, traverse the list to find the last node
    Node temp = head;
    while ( != null) {
        temp =;
    // Now temp points to the last node, link the new node = newNode;
if head is None:
    # The list is empty, so the new node is the head of the list
    head = newNode
    # The list is not empty, traverse the list to find the last node
    temp = head
    while is not None:
        temp =
    # Now temp points to the last node, link the new node = newNode
#this code ios cpntributed by MOnu.
if (head === null) {
    // The list is empty, so the new node is the head of the list
    head = newNode;
} else {
    // The list is not empty, traverse the list to find the last node
    let temp = head;
    while ( !== null) {
        temp =;
    // Now temp points to the last node, link the new node = newNode;

Complete Implemenatation LinkedList:

#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;

// Define the Node structure
struct Node {
    int data; // The data stored in the node
    Node* next; // Pointer to the next node

int main()

    // Initialize the head of the list
    Node* head = nullptr;

    // Create new nodes and add them to the list
    for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
        Node* newNode = new Node();
        newNode->data = i; // Replace i with the actual data
        newNode->next = nullptr;

        // Link the nodes
        if (head == nullptr) {

            // The list is empty, so the new node is the
            // head of the list
            head = newNode;
        else {

            // The list is not empty, traverse the list to
            // find the last node
            Node* temp = head;
            while (temp->next != nullptr) {
                temp = temp->next;

            // Now temp points to the last node, link the
            // new node
            temp->next = newNode;

    // Print the list
    Node* temp = head;
    while (temp != nullptr) {
        cout << temp->data << " ";
        temp = temp->next;
    cout << endl;

    // Free up the memory
    while (head != nullptr) {
        Node* temp = head;
        head = head->next;
        delete temp;

    return 0;
// Import necessary libraries
import java.util.*;

// Define the Node class
class Node {
    int data; // The data stored in the node
    Node next; // Reference to the next node

    // Node constructor
    public Node(int data) { = data; = null;

public class Main {
    public static void main(String[] args) {

        // Initialize the head of the list
        Node head = null;

        // Create new nodes and add them to the list
        for (int i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
            Node newNode = new Node(i); // Replace i with the actual data

            // Link the nodes
            if (head == null) {
                // The list is empty, so the new node is the
                // head of the list
                head = newNode;
            } else {
                // The list is not empty, traverse the list to
                // find the last node
                Node temp = head;
                while ( != null) {
                    temp =;

                // Now temp points to the last node, link the
                // new node
       = newNode;

        // Print the list
        Node temp = head;
        while (temp != null) {
            System.out.print( + " ");
            temp =;

        // No explicit memory deallocation is needed in Java
        // The Java Garbage Collector will automatically free up the memory
# Define the Node class
class Node:
    def __init__(self, data=None): = data  # The data stored in the node = None  # Pointer to the next node

# Initialize the head of the list
head = None

# Create new nodes and add them to the list
for i in range(1, 6):
    new_node = Node(i)  # Replace i with the actual data

    # Link the nodes
    if head is None:
        # The list is empty, so the new node is the
        # head of the list
        head = new_node
        # The list is not empty, traverse the list to
        # find the last node
        temp = head
        while is not None:
            temp =

        # Now temp points to the last node, link the
        # new node = new_node

# Print the list
temp = head
while temp is not None:
    print(, end=" ")
    temp =
// Define the Node class
class Node {
    constructor(data) { = data; // The data stored in the node = null; // Pointer to the next node

// Main function
function main() {
    // Initialize the head of the list
    let head = null;

    // Create new nodes and add them to the list
    for (let i = 1; i <= 5; i++) {
        let newNode = new Node(i); // Replace i with the actual data

        // Link the nodes
        if (head === null) {
            // The list is empty, so the new node is the head of the list
            head = newNode;
        } else {
            // The list is not empty, traverse the list to find the last node
            let temp = head;
            while ( !== null) {
                temp =;

            // Now temp points to the last node, link the new node
   = newNode;

    // Print the list
    let temp = head;
    let listStr = "";
    while (temp !== null) {
        listStr += + " ";
        temp =;

    // Free up the memory
    while (head !== null) {
        let temp = head;
        head =;
        temp = null;

// Call the main function

1 2 3 4 5 


Creating a LinkedList involves several steps: defining the Node structure, initializing the LinkedList, and implementing methods to add and traverse nodes. While the implementation can vary depending on the programming language, the fundamental concepts remain the same. Understanding these steps is crucial for anyone learning data structures and algorithms.

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