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Infosys SDE Sheet

Last Updated : 15 Jun, 2024
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Infosys Limited is a multinational IT company based in India that offers business consulting, IT, and outsourcing services. It was founded in Pune and its headquarter is in Bangalore. Infosys is India’s second-largest IT company and many students dream to work at Infosys. This sheet consists of all the common interview questions and answers based on fundamental concepts and advanced topics to assist you to land a job at Infosys.


Top Infosys Coding Questions:

Below is the list of most commonly asked Infosys Coding Questions:

Easy Coding Questions:

Articles Practice

Print first n Fibonacci Numbers


Find the first non-repeating character from a stream of characters


Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (at most one transaction allowed)


Pair with given Sum (Two Sum)


Remove duplicates from Sorted Array


Sentence Palindrome (Palindrome after removing spaces, dots, .. etc)


Sort string of characters Solve
Program for addition of two matrices Solve
Binary Search Solve
Program for Armstrong Numbers Solve
Area of Rectangle, Right Angled Triangle and Circle Solve
Program to check if two given matrices are identical Solve
Convert from any base to decimal Solve
Celsius to Fahrenheit Conversion Solve
Print 1 to n without using loops Solve
Middle of Three Solve
Binary representation Solve
Greatest of three numbers Solve
Number Of Open Doors Solve
Maximum Possible Sum of Products Solve
Check if given four points form a square Solve
Overlapping rectangles Solve
Sum of all prime numbers between 1 and N. Solve
Check if a number is power of another number Solve
Common Divisors Solve
Perfect Number Solve
Sum Palindrome Solve
Remove common characters and concatenate Solve
Check if string is rotated by two places Solve
Check if date is valid Solve
The Lazy Caterer’s Problem Solve
Program to print Sum Triangle for a given array Solve
Party of Couples Solve
Form largest number from digits Solve
Print the left element Solve
Tidy Number Solve
Mean Solve

Medium Coding Questions:

Articles Practice

Longest Palindromic Substring


Allocate minimum number of pages


Reverse digits of an integer with overflow handled


Longest Increasing Subsequence


Next Permutation


Minimum number of jumps Solve
Minimize the Heights II Solve

Find the smallest positive integer value that cannot be represented as sum of any subset of a given array


Rotate Array


Minimum Platforms Solve

House Robber


Max length chain Solve

Find the element that appears once in a sorted array


Fractional Knapsack Solve

Count Number of Nodes With Value One in Undirected Tree


Job Sequencing Problem Solve
Minimum Cost Path Solve

Number of subarrays having sum exactly equal to k


Find K-Avoiding Array


Generate Parentheses


Majority Element Solve
Largest Number formed from an Array Solve

Hard Coding Questions:

Articles Practice
0 – 1 Knapsack Problem Solve
Partition Equal Subset Sum Solve
Wildcard Pattern Matching Solve

Maximize cost of forming a set of words using given set of characters


Form a palindrome Solve

Minimize refills to reach end of path


Matrix Chain Multiplication Solve
Count Smaller elements Solve
Minimum number of deletions. Solve
Probability of Knight Solve

Maximum sum of segments among all segments formed in array after Q queries


Longest Common Substring Solve
Max rectangle Solve
Find all distinct subset (or subsequence) sums Solve
Find all possible palindromic partitions of a String Solve

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