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Advanced Data Structures

Last Updated : 22 Feb, 2024
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Advanced Data Structures refer to complex and specialized arrangements of data that enable efficient storage, retrieval, and manipulation of information in computer science and programming. These structures go beyond basic data types like arrays and lists, offering sophisticated ways to organize and manage data for optimal performance in various algorithms and applications.

This page will contain some of the complex and Advanced Data Structures like Disjoint Sets, Self-Balancing Trees, Segment Trees, Tries etc.

Advanced Lists:

  1. Generic Linked List in C
  2. Memory efficient Doubly Linked List
  3. XOR Linked List | Set 1
  4. XOR Linked List | Set 2
  5. Skip List
  6. Self-Organizing List
  7. Unrolled Linked List

n-ary Tree:

  1. Generic Trees (N-ary Tree)
  2. Mirror of n-ary Tree
  3. Diameter of an N-ary tree
  4. Depth of an N-Ary tree
  5. Height of n-ary tree if parent array is given
  6. Number of ways to traverse an N-ary tree
  7. Number of siblings of a given Node in n-ary Tree
  8. Next Larger element in n-ary tree
  9. Serialize and Deserialize an N-ary Tree
  10. DFS for a n-ary tree (acyclic graph) represented as adjacency list

Self Balancing BSTs:


Segment Tree:

Binary Indexed Tree:

Suffix Array and Suffix Tree

K-Dimensional Tree:

Disjoint Set:

Some other Data Structure:

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