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Organisational Behaviour (OB)

Last Updated : 08 Dec, 2023
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Organisational Behaviour (OB) is like peeking behind the curtain of a workplace drama. It is all about understanding how people, teams, and the overall structure influence the way we work together. Think of it as the playbook for creating a positive and productive work environment. From how we talk to each other to the secrets of good leadership, it is the guide to making work not just a place to clock in but a stage for success!


“Organisational behaviour is a subset of management activities concerned with understanding, predicting and influencing individual behaviour in an organisational setting.” – Callahan, Fleenor and Kudson.

Topics in Organisational Behaviour

  1. Big Five Personality Traits
  2. Determinants of Personality
  3. Disciplines Contributing to Organisational Behaviour (OB)
  4. Group Decision Making Techniques
  5. Groupshift | Concept and Causes
  6. Groupthink – Definition, Features, Causes & Tips to Avoid
  7. Group| Features and Why do People form Groups?
  8. Levels of change
  9. Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) | Assumptions, Dichotomies and Application
  10. Organisational Climate| Meaning, Motives, Dimensions
  11. Organisational Ethos: The OCTAPACE Model
  12. Organisational Politics | Concept, Features and Dimensions
  13. Principle-Centered Leadership : Meaning, Characteristics & Impacts
  14. Properties of Group
  15. Relationship between Group Cohesiveness, Performance Norms and Productivity
  16. Stages of Group Development
  17. Techniques for Generating Ideas
  18. Types of Change and John Kotter’s Eight-Step Model
  19. Types of Models of Organisational Behaviour

Benefits of Studying Organisational Behaviour

  • Studying OB helps in understanding the behaviour of employees.
  • Studying OB enhances leadership skills.
  • Studying OB helps in improving communication.
  • Studying OB leads to teamwork and collaboration.
  • Studying OB leads to enhanced problem-solving.
  • Studying OB optimises performance.
  • Studying OB improves conflict resolution.
  • Studying OB helps in effective decision-making.

What will you do as an OB Professional?

1. Conduct Organisational Assessments: OB professional would analyse and evaluate organisational structures, cultures, and processes to identify areas for improvement and recommend strategies to enhance overall effectiveness.

2. Implement Employee Training Programs: OB professionals will be developing and delivering training programs focused on interpersonal skills, communication, leadership, and conflict resolution to improve individual and team performance within the organisation.

3. Facilitate Change Management: OB professional collaborates with leaders to plan and execute organisational changes, ensuring smooth communication by addressing employee concerns, managing resistance, and promoting a positive culture.

4. Resolve Workplace Conflicts: OB professional acts as a mediator to identify and address interpersonal conflicts, promoting healthy working relationships and contributing to a positive and productive work environment.

5. Conduct Employee Surveys and Feedback Sessions: OB professionals gather feedback from employees through surveys and discussions to assess job satisfaction, engagement levels, and overall well-being.

6. Advise on Leadership Development: OB professionals guide organisational leaders on effective leadership practices, helping them develop a positive leadership style that promotes employee motivation, teamwork, and organisational success.

Organisational Behaviour Careers

1. Human Resources Specialist:

  • Specialises in employee relations and talent acquisition.
  • Applies OB principles to introduce a positive workplace culture and ensure effective personnel management.

2. Organisational Development Consultant:

  • Focuses on implementing strategies for organisational change.
  • Enhances OB expertise to enhance efficiency, employee engagement, and overall effectiveness.

3. Training and Development Specialist:

  • Designs and delivers training programs.
  • Utilises OB concepts to improve interpersonal skills, leadership development, and team collaboration within the organisation.

4. Employee Relations Manager:

  • Handles workplace conflicts and employee grievances.
  • Applies OB knowledge to maintain positive employee relations and contribute to a healthy organisational culture.

5. Corporate Trainer:

  • Develops and delivers training sessions on communication, leadership, and teamwork.
  • Uses OB principles to enhance individual and team performance.

6. Change Management Consultant:

  • Specialises in guiding organisations through transition.
  • Utilises OB strategies to manage resistance.
  • Ensures successful change implementation.

7. Industrial-Organisational Psychologist:

  • Applies psychological principles to the workplace.
  • Conducts assessments and interventions to improve organisational structures, leadership effectiveness, and employee well-being.

8. Diversity Specialist:

  • Promotes diversity within the workplace.
  • Employed OB insights to create inclusive policies, foster cultural awareness, and enhance organisational diversity.

9. Performance Analyst:

  • Evaluates and optimises organisational performance.
  • Utilises OB concepts to identify areas for improvement, enhance team dynamics, and ensure goal alignment.

10. Leadership Development Coach:

  • Provides coaching and guidance to leaders.
  • Uses OB theories to enhance leadership skills, foster effective communication, and promote positive organisational outcomes.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQs) about Organisational Behaviour

1. What are some of the OB challenges in India?

Some of the major challenges OB professionals face in India includes improving people’s skills, empowering people, coping with temporariness, improving ethical behaviour, helping employee balance work-life conflicts, etc.

2. Why is Organisational Behaviour important?

The study of organisational behaviour is important to understand the behaviour of people within the organisation, how employees react to different situations, what strategies and techniques can be used to ensure the smooth running of the organisation, etc.

3. What are the levels of Organisational Behaviour?

The study of organisational behaviour undertakes three levels involving individuals, groups, and organisations as a whole.

4. What are some of the limitations that the organisation can face by employing Organisational Behaviour principles?

Some of the limitations that the organisation can face by employing organisational behaviour principles include unethical practices, manipulation, decreasing returns, etc.

5. What is the average salary of people working in Organisational Behaviour field?

People working in the organisational behaviour field can make up to ₹22.8 lakhs annually in India.

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