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Implementation of Deque using doubly linked list

Last Updated : 24 Nov, 2023
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Deque or Double Ended Queue is a generalized version of Queue data structure that allows insert and delete at both ends. In previous post Implementation of Deque using circular array has been discussed. Now in this post we see how we implement Deque using Doubly Linked List.

Operations on Deque :

Mainly the following four basic operations are performed on queue : 

insertFront() : Adds an item at the front of Deque.
insertRear() : Adds an item at the rear of Deque.
deleteFront() : Deletes an item from front of Deque.
deleteRear() : Deletes an item from rear of Deque.

In addition to above operations, following operations are also supported : 

getFront() : Gets the front item from queue.
getRear() : Gets the last item from queue.
isEmpty() : Checks whether Deque is empty or not.
size() : Gets number of elements in Deque.
erase() : Deletes all the elements from Deque.


Doubly Linked List Representation of Deque : 
For implementing deque, we need to keep track of two pointers, front and rear. We enqueue (push) an item at the rear or the front end of deque and dequeue(pop) an item from both rear and front end.

Working : 
Declare two pointers front and rear of type Node, where Node represents the structure of a node of a doubly linked list. Initialize both of them with value NULL.

Insertion at Front end : 

1. Allocate space for a newNode of doubly linked list.
2. IF newNode == NULL, then
3. print "Overflow"
5. IF front == NULL, then
6. rear = front = newNode
8. newNode->next = front
9. front->prev = newNode
10. front = newNode

Insertion at Rear end : 

1. Allocate space for a newNode of doubly linked list.
2. IF newNode == NULL, then
3. print "Overflow"
5. IF rear == NULL, then
6. front = rear = newNode
8. newNode->prev = rear
9. rear->next = newNode
10. rear = newNode

Deletion from Front end : 

1. IF front == NULL
2. print "Underflow"
4. Initialize temp = front
5. front = front->next
6. IF front == NULL
7. rear = NULL
9. front->prev = NULL
10 Deallocate space for temp

Deletion from Rear end : 

1. IF front == NULL
2. print "Underflow"
4. Initialize temp = rear
5. rear = rear->prev
6. IF rear == NULL
7. front = NULL
9. rear->next = NULL
10 Deallocate space for temp



// C++ implementation of Deque using
// doubly linked list
#include <bits/stdc++.h>
using namespace std;
// Node of a doubly linked list
struct Node {
    int data;
    Node *prev, *next;
    // Function to get a new node
    static Node* getnode(int data)
        Node* newNode = (Node*)malloc(sizeof(Node));
        newNode->data = data;
        newNode->prev = newNode->next = NULL;
        return newNode;
// A structure to represent a deque
class Deque {
    Node* front;
    Node* rear;
    int Size;
        front = rear = NULL;
        Size = 0;
    // Operations on Deque
    void insertFront(int data);
    void insertRear(int data);
    void deleteFront();
    void deleteRear();
    int getFront();
    int getRear();
    int size();
    bool isEmpty();
    void erase();
// Function to check whether deque
// is empty or not
bool Deque::isEmpty() { return (front == NULL); }
// Function to return the number of
// elements in the deque
int Deque::size() { return Size; }
// Function to insert an element
// at the front end
void Deque::insertFront(int data)
    Node* newNode = Node::getnode(data);
    // If true then new element cannot be added
    // and it is an 'Overflow' condition
    if (newNode == NULL)
        cout << "OverFlow\n";
    else {
        // If deque is empty
        if (front == NULL)
            rear = front = newNode;
        // Inserts node at the front end
        else {
            newNode->next = front;
            front->prev = newNode;
            front = newNode;
        // Increments count of elements by 1
// Function to insert an element
// at the rear end
void Deque::insertRear(int data)
    Node* newNode = Node::getnode(data);
    // If true then new element cannot be added
    // and it is an 'Overflow' condition
    if (newNode == NULL)
        cout << "OverFlow\n";
    else {
        // If deque is empty
        if (rear == NULL)
            front = rear = newNode;
        // Inserts node at the rear end
        else {
            newNode->prev = rear;
            rear->next = newNode;
            rear = newNode;
// Function to delete the element
// from the front end
void Deque::deleteFront()
    // If deque is empty then
    // 'Underflow' condition
    if (isEmpty())
        cout << "UnderFlow\n";
    // Deletes the node from the front end and makes
    // the adjustment in the links
    else {
        Node* temp = front;
        front = front->next;
        // If only one element was present
        if (front == NULL)
            rear = NULL;
            front->prev = NULL;
        // Decrements count of elements by 1
// Function to delete the element
// from the rear end
void Deque::deleteRear()
    // If deque is empty then
    // 'Underflow' condition
    if (isEmpty())
        cout << "UnderFlow\n";
    // Deletes the node from the rear end and makes
    // the adjustment in the links
    else {
        Node* temp = rear;
        rear = rear->prev;
        // If only one element was present
        if (rear == NULL)
            front = NULL;
            rear->next = NULL;
        // Decrements count of elements by 1
// Function to return the element
// at the front end
int Deque::getFront()
    // If deque is empty, then returns
    // garbage value
    if (isEmpty())
        return -1;
    return front->data;
// Function to return the element
// at the rear end
int Deque::getRear()
    // If deque is empty, then returns
    // garbage value
    if (isEmpty())
        return -1;
    return rear->data;
// Function to delete all the elements
// from Deque
void Deque::erase()
    rear = NULL;
    while (front != NULL) {
        Node* temp = front;
        front = front->next;
    Size = 0;
// Driver program to test above
int main()
    Deque dq;
    cout << "Insert element '5' at rear end\n";
    cout << "Insert element '10' at rear end\n";
    cout << "Rear end element: " << dq.getRear() << endl;
    cout << "After deleting rear element new rear"
         << " is: " << dq.getRear() << endl;
    cout << "Inserting element '15' at front end \n";
    cout << "Front end element: " << dq.getFront() << endl;
    cout << "Number of elements in Deque: " << dq.size()
         << endl;
    cout << "After deleting front element new "
         << "front is: " << dq.getFront() << endl;
    return 0;


// Java implementation of Deque using
// doubly linked list
import java.util.*;
class GFG {
    // Node of a doubly linked list
    static class Node {
        int data;
        Node prev, next;
        // Function to get a new node
        static Node getnode(int data)
            Node newNode = new Node();
   = data;
            newNode.prev = = null;
            return newNode;
    // A structure to represent a deque
    static class Deque {
        Node front;
        Node rear;
        int Size;
            front = rear = null;
            Size = 0;
        // Function to check whether deque
        // is empty or not
        boolean isEmpty() { return (front == null); }
        // Function to return the number of
        // elements in the deque
        int size() { return Size; }
        // Function to insert an element
        // at the front end
        void insertFront(int data)
            Node newNode = Node.getnode(data);
            // If true then new element cannot be added
            // and it is an 'Overflow' condition
            if (newNode == null)
            else {
                // If deque is empty
                if (front == null)
                    rear = front = newNode;
                // Inserts node at the front end
                else {
           = front;
                    front.prev = newNode;
                    front = newNode;
                // Increments count of elements by 1
        // Function to insert an element
        // at the rear end
        void insertRear(int data)
            Node newNode = Node.getnode(data);
            // If true then new element cannot be added
            // and it is an 'Overflow' condition
            if (newNode == null)
            else {
                // If deque is empty
                if (rear == null)
                    front = rear = newNode;
                // Inserts node at the rear end
                else {
                    newNode.prev = rear;
           = newNode;
                    rear = newNode;
        // Function to delete the element
        // from the front end
        void deleteFront()
            // If deque is empty then
            // 'Underflow' condition
            if (isEmpty())
            // Deletes the node from the front end and makes
            // the adjustment in the links
            else {
                Node temp = front;
                front =;
                // If only one element was present
                if (front == null)
                    rear = null;
                    front.prev = null;
                // Decrements count of elements by 1
        // Function to delete the element
        // from the rear end
        void deleteRear()
            // If deque is empty then
            // 'Underflow' condition
            if (isEmpty())
            // Deletes the node from the rear end and makes
            // the adjustment in the links
            else {
                Node temp = rear;
                rear = rear.prev;
                // If only one element was present
                if (rear == null)
                    front = null;
           = null;
                // Decrements count of elements by 1
        // Function to return the element
        // at the front end
        int getFront()
            // If deque is empty, then returns
            // garbage value
            if (isEmpty())
                return -1;
        // Function to return the element
        // at the rear end
        int getRear()
            // If deque is empty, then returns
            // garbage value
            if (isEmpty())
                return -1;
        // Function to delete all the elements
        // from Deque
        void erase()
            rear = null;
            while (front != null) {
                Node temp = front;
                front =;
            Size = 0;
    // Driver program to test above
    public static void main(String[] args)
        Deque dq = new Deque();
            "Insert element '5' at rear end\n");
            "Insert element '10' at rear end\n");
        System.out.print("Rear end element: " + dq.getRear()
                         + "\n");
            "After deleting rear element new rear"
            + " is: " + dq.getRear() + "\n");
            "Inserting element '15' at front end \n");
            "Front end element: " + dq.getFront() + "\n");
        System.out.print("Number of elements in Deque: "
                         + dq.size() + "\n");
        System.out.print("After deleting front element new "
                         + "front is: " + dq.getFront()
                         + "\n");
// This code is contributed by gauravrajput1


class GFG:
    # Node of a doubly linked list
    class Node:
        data = 0
        prev = None
        next = None
        # Function to get a new node
        def getnode(data):
            newNode = GFG.Node()
   = data
            newNode.prev = None
   = None
            return newNode
    # A structure to represent a deque
    class Deque:
        front = None
        rear = None
        Size = 0
        def __init__(self):
            self.front = None
            self.rear = None
            self.Size = 0
        # Function to check whether deque
        # is empty or not
        def isEmpty(self):
            return (self.front == None)
        # Function to return the number of
        # elements in the deque
        def size(self):
            return self.Size
        # Function to insert an element
        # at the front end
        def insertFront(self, data):
            newNode = GFG.Node.getnode(data)
            # If true then new element cannot be added
            # and it is an 'Overflow' condition
            if (newNode == None):
                print("OverFlow\n", end="")
                # If deque is empty
                if (self.front == None):
                    self.rear = newNode
                    self.front = newNode
           = self.front
                    self.front.prev = newNode
                    self.front = newNode
                # Increments count of elements by 1
                self.Size += 1
        # Function to insert an element
        # at the rear end
        def insertRear(self, data):
            newNode = GFG.Node.getnode(data)
            # If true then new element cannot be added
            # and it is an 'Overflow' condition
            if (newNode == None):
                print("OverFlow\n", end="")
                # If deque is empty
                if (self.rear == None):
                    self.front = newNode
                    self.rear = newNode
                    newNode.prev = self.rear
           = newNode
                    self.rear = newNode
                self.Size += 1
        # Function to delete the element
        # from the front end
        def deleteFront(self):
            # If deque is empty then
            # 'Underflow' condition
            if (self.isEmpty()):
                print("UnderFlow\n", end="")
                temp = self.front
                self.front =
                # If only one element was present
                if (self.front == None):
                    self.rear = None
                    self.front.prev = None
                # Decrements count of elements by 1
                self.Size -= 1
        # Function to delete the element
        # from the rear end
        def deleteRear(self):
            # If deque is empty then
            # 'Underflow' condition
            if (self.isEmpty()):
                print("UnderFlow\n", end="")
                temp = self.rear
                self.rear = self.rear.prev
                # If only one element was present
                if (self.rear == None):
                    self.front = None
           = None
                # Decrements count of elements by 1
                self.Size -= 1
        # Function to return the element
        # at the front end
        def getFront(self):
            # If deque is empty, then returns
            # garbage value
            if (self.isEmpty()):
                return -1
        # Function to return the element
        # at the rear end
        def getRear(self):
            # If deque is empty, then returns
            # garbage value
            if (self.isEmpty()):
                return -1
        # Function to delete all the elements
        # from Deque
        def erase(self):
            self.rear = None
            while (self.front != None):
                temp = self.front
                self.front =
            self.Size = 0
    # Driver program to test above
    def main(args):
        dq = GFG.Deque()
        print("Insert element \'5\' at rear end\n", end="")
        print("Insert element \'10\' at rear end\n", end="")
        print("Rear end element: " + str(dq.getRear()) + "\n", end="")
        print("After deleting rear element new rear" +
              " is: " + str(dq.getRear()) + "\n", end="")
        print("Inserting element \'15\' at front end \n", end="")
        print("Front end element: " + str(dq.getFront()) + "\n", end="")
        print("Number of elements in Deque: " + str(dq.size()) + "\n", end="")
        print("After deleting front element new " +
              "front is: " + str(dq.getFront()) + "\n", end="")
if __name__ == "__main__":
    # This code is contributed by aadityaburujwale.


using System;
class Deque
    // Node of a doubly linked list
    class Node
        public int data;
        public Node prev, next;
        // Function to get a new node
        public static Node GetNode(int data)
            Node newNode = new Node
                data = data,
                prev = null,
                next = null
            return newNode;
    Node front, rear;
    int size;  // Corrected the name to 'size'
    public Deque()
        front = rear = null;
        size = 0;
    // Operations on Deque
    public void InsertFront(int data)
        Node newNode = Node.GetNode(data);
        if (newNode == null)
            if (front == null)
                rear = front = newNode;
       = front;
                front.prev = newNode;
                front = newNode;
    public void InsertRear(int data)
        Node newNode = Node.GetNode(data);
        if (newNode == null)
            if (rear == null)
                front = rear = newNode;
                newNode.prev = rear;
       = newNode;
                rear = newNode;
    public void DeleteFront()
        if (IsEmpty())
            Node temp = front;
            front =;
            if (front == null)
                rear = null;
                front.prev = null;
    public void DeleteRear()
        if (IsEmpty())
            Node temp = rear;
            rear = rear.prev;
            if (rear == null)
                front = null;
       = null;
    public int GetFront()
        if (IsEmpty())
            return -1;
    public int GetRear()
        if (IsEmpty())
            return -1;
    public int Size()  // Corrected the name to 'Size'
        return size;
    public bool IsEmpty()
        return (front == null);
    public void Erase()
        rear = null;
        while (front != null)
            Node temp = front;
            front =;
        size = 0;
    void Free(Node node)
        // In C#, you generally don't need to manually free memory as the garbage collector handles it.
        // If this were a more complex data structure with other resources, you might need to dispose of them appropriately.
class Program
    static void Main()
        Deque dq = new Deque();
        Console.WriteLine("Insert element '5' at rear end");
        Console.WriteLine("Insert element '10' at rear end");
        Console.WriteLine("Rear end element: " + dq.GetRear());
        Console.WriteLine("After deleting rear element new rear is: " + dq.GetRear());
        Console.WriteLine("Inserting element '15' at front end");
        Console.WriteLine("Front end element: " + dq.GetFront());
        Console.WriteLine("Number of elements in Deque: " + dq.Size());
        Console.WriteLine("After deleting front element new front is: " + dq.GetFront());


// Javascript implementation of Deque using
// Node of a doubly linked list
class Node {
    data = 0;
    prev = null;
    next = null;
    // Function to get a new node
    static getnode(data) {
        const newNode = new Node(); = data;
        newNode.prev = null; = null;
        return newNode;
// A structure to represent a deque
class Deque {
    front = null;
    rear = null;
    size = 0;
    constructor() {
        this.front = null;
        this.rear = null;
        this.size = 0;
    // Function to check whether deque
    // is empty or not
    isEmpty() {
        return this.front === null;
    // Function to return the number of
    // elements in the deque
    size() {
        return this.size;
    // Function to insert an element
    // at the front end
    insertFront(data) {
        const newNode = Node.getnode(data);
        // If true then new element cannot be added
        // and it is an 'Overflow' condition
        if (newNode === null) {
        } else {
            // If deque is empty
            if (this.front === null) {
                this.rear = newNode;
                this.front = newNode;
            } else {
       = this.front;
                this.front.prev = newNode;
                this.front = newNode;
            // Increments count of elements by 1
            this.size += 1;
    // Function to insert an element
    // at the rear end
    insertRear(data) {
        const newNode = Node.getnode(data);
        // If true then new element cannot be added
        // and it is an 'Overflow' condition
        if (newNode === null) {
        } else {
            // If deque is empty
            if (this.rear === null) {
                this.front = newNode;
                this.rear = newNode;
            } else {
                newNode.prev = this.rear;
       = newNode;
                this.rear = newNode;
            this.size += 1;
    // Function to delete the element
    // from the front end
    deleteFront() {
        // If deque is empty then
        // 'Underflow' condition
        if (this.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
            const temp = this.front;
            this.front =;
            // If only one element was present
            if (this.front === null) {
                this.rear = null;
            } else {
                this.front.prev = null;
            // Decrements count of elements by 1
            this.size -= 1;
    deleteRear() {
        // If deque is empty then
        // 'Underflow' condition
        if (this.isEmpty()) {
        } else {
            const temp = this.rear;
            this.rear = this.rear.prev;
            // If only one element was present
            if (this.rear === null) {
                this.front = null;
            } else {
       = null;
            // Decrements count of elements by 1
            this.size -= 1;
    // Function to return the element
    // at the front end
    getFront() {
        // If deque is empty, then returns
        // garbage value
        if (this.isEmpty()) {
            return -1;
    // Function to return the element
    // at the rear end
    getRear() {
        // If deque is empty, then returns
        // garbage value
        if (this.isEmpty()) {
            return -1;
    // Function to delete all the elements
    // from Deque
    erase() {
        this.rear = null;
        while (this.front !== null) {
            const temp = this.front;
            this.front =;
        this.size = 0;
// Driver program to test the Deque class
function main() {
    // Create a Deque object
    const dq = new Deque();
    console.log("Insert element '5' at rear end");
    console.log("Insert element '10' at rear end");
    console.log(`Rear end element: ${dq.getRear()}`);
    console.log(`After deleting rear element new rear is: ${dq.getRear()}`);
    console.log("Inserting element '15' at front end");
    console.log(`Front end element: ${dq.getFront()}`);
    console.log(`Number of elements in Deque: ${dq.size}`);
    console.log(`After deleting front element new front is: ${dq.getFront()}`);
// Call the main function


Insert element '5' at rear end
Insert element '10' at rear end
Rear end element: 10
After deleting rear element new rear is: 5
Inserting element '15' at front end 
Front end element: 15
Number of elements in Deque: 2
After deleting front element new front is: 5

Complexity Analysis:

  • Time Complexity : Time complexity of operations like insertFront(), insertRear(), deleteFront(), deleteRear() is O(1). The Time Complexity of erase() is O(n).
  • Auxiliary space: O(1)

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deque::operator= and deque::operator[] in C++ STL
Deque or Double ended queues are sequence containers with the feature of expansion and contraction on both the ends. They are similar to vectors, but are more efficient in case of insertion and deletion of elements at the end, and also the beginning. Unlike vectors, contiguous storage allocation may not be guaranteed. deque::operator= This operator
4 min read
Difference between Queue and Deque (Queue vs. Deque)
Queue: The queue is an abstract data type or linear data structure from which elements can be inserted at the rear(back) of the queue and elements can be deleted from the front(head) of the queue. The operations allowed in the queue are:insert an element at the reardelete element from the frontget the last elementget the first elementcheck the size
3 min read
Deque::front() and deque::back() in C++ STL
Deque or Double Ended queues are sequence containers with the feature of expansion and contraction on both ends. They are similar to vectors, but are more efficient in case of insertion and deletion of elements at the end, and also at the beginning. Unlike vectors, contiguous storage allocation may not be guaranteed in the deque. deque::front()fron
4 min read
Operations of Doubly Linked List with Implementation
A Doubly Linked List (DLL) contains an extra pointer, typically called the previous pointer, together with the next pointer and data which are there in a singly linked list. Below are operations on the given DLL: Add a node at the front of DLL: The new node is always added before the head of the given Linked List. And the newly added node becomes t
15+ min read
Difference between Singly linked list and Doubly linked list
Introduction to Singly linked list : A singly linked list is a set of nodes where each node has two fields 'data' and 'link'. The 'data' field stores actual piece of information and 'link' field is used to point to next node. Basically the 'link' field stores the address of the next node. Introduction to Doubly linked list : A Doubly Linked List (D
2 min read
When is Doubly Linked List more Efficient than Singly Linked List?
Did you know there are some cases where a Doubly Linked List is more efficient than a Singly Linked List, even though it takes more memory compared to a Singly Linked List? What are those Cases? Well, we will discuss that in the following article, But first, let's talk about Singly and linked lists: What is a Singly Linked List?A singly linked list
4 min read
Is two way linked list and doubly linked list same?
Yes, a two-way linked list and a doubly linked list are the same. Both terms refer to a type of linked list where each node contains a reference to the next node as well as the previous node in the sequence. The term “two-way” emphasizes the ability to move in both directions through the list, while “doubly” highlights that there are two links per
3 min read
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