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New ‘=’ Operator in Python3.8 f-string

Last Updated : 03 Jun, 2020
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Python have introduced the new = operator in f-string for self documenting the strings in Python 3.8.2 version. Now with the help of this expression we can specify names in the string to get the exact value in the strings despite the position of the variable. Now f-string can be defined as f'{expr=}' expression. We can specify any required name in place of expr.

Syntax : f'{expr=}'
Return : Return the formatted string.

Note: For older versions of Python this operator will raise the syntax error. See the below image.

Example #1 :
In this example we can see that with the help of f'{expr=}' expression, we are able to format strings in python by self documenting expressions by using = operator.

length = len('GeeksForGeeks')
# Using f'{expr =}' expression
gfg = f'The length of GeeksForGeeks is {length =}.'

Output :

The length of GeeksForGeeks is length=13.

Example #2 :

a, b = 5, 10
# Using f'{expr =}' expression
gfg = f'Value of {b = } and {a = }.'

Output :

Value of b = 10 and a = 5.

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