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0-1 BFS (Shortest Path in a Binary Weight Graph)

Last Updated : 17 Apr, 2024
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Given a graph where every edge has weight as either 0 or 1. A source vertex is also given in the graph. Find the shortest path from the source vertex to every other vertex. 

For Example: 

Input : Source Vertex = 0 and below graph Having vertices like(u,v,w):
Edges: [[0,1,0], [0, 7, 1], [1,2,1], [1, 7, 1], [2, 3, 0], [2, 5, 0], [2, 8, 1], [3, 4, 1],[3, 5, 1],[4, 5, 1],[5, 6, 1],[6, 7, 1],[7, 8, 1]]

Output : Shortest distances from given source
0 0 1 1 2 1 2 1 2

Explanation :
Shortest distance from 0 to 0 is 0
Shortest distance from 0 to 1 is 0
Shortest distance from 0 to 2 is 1

A simple way to find ne­arby nodes is called 0-1 BFS. Instead of marking visite­d nodes with a boolean array, it checks a condition at e­ach step. It uses a double-e­nded queue to store­ nodes. If an edge has a we­ight of 0, the node is inserte­d at the front of the queue­. But if the edge has a we­ight of 1, the node goes at the­ back.

This method is similar to Dijkstra’s algorithm. It updates the shorte­st distance to a node based on its ne­ighboring nodes. A node is added to the­ queue only if its distance could be­ improved by the previous node­’s distance. This helps find the optimal path to re­ach nodes.

This way works well in many case­s. When taking a point from the line (like­ Dijkstra’s way), it means that point has the smallest we­ight left. If there is a ne­xt point with weight 0, it is the same distance­ as the point just taken. But if the ne­xt point has weight 1, it is now the farthest away of all points still in the­ line. This is because all othe­r points either connect straight to the­ current point or connect to points already take­n.

// C++ program to implement single source
// shortest path for a Binary Graph
using namespace std;

/* no.of vertices */
#define V 9

// a structure to represent edges
struct node
    // two variable one denote the node
    // and other the weight
    int to, weight;

// vector to store edges
vector <node> edges[V];

// Prints shortest distance from given source to
// every other vertex
void zeroOneBFS(int src)
    // Initialize distances from given source
    int dist[V];
    for (int i=0; i<V; i++)
        dist[i] = INT_MAX;

    // double ende queue to do BFS.
    deque <int> Q;
    dist[src] = 0;

    while (!Q.empty())
        int v = Q.front();

        for (int i=0; i<edges[v].size(); i++)
            // checking for the optimal distance
            if (dist[edges[v][i].to] > dist[v] + edges[v][i].weight)
                dist[edges[v][i].to] = dist[v] + edges[v][i].weight;

                // Put 0 weight edges to front and 1 weight
                // edges to back so that vertices are processed
                // in increasing order of weights.
                if (edges[v][i].weight == 0)

    // printing the shortest distances
    for (int i=0; i<V; i++)
        cout << dist[i] << " ";

void addEdge(int u, int v, int wt)
   edges[u].push_back({v, wt});
   edges[v].push_back({u, wt});

// Driver function
int main()
    addEdge(0, 1, 0);
    addEdge(0, 7, 1);
    addEdge(1, 7, 1);
    addEdge(1, 2, 1);
    addEdge(2, 3, 0);
    addEdge(2, 5, 0);
    addEdge(2, 8, 1);
    addEdge(3, 4, 1);
    addEdge(3, 5, 1);
    addEdge(4, 5, 1);
    addEdge(5, 6, 1);
    addEdge(6, 7, 1);
    addEdge(7, 8, 1);
    int src = 0;//source node
    return 0;
// Java Program to implement 0-1 BFS
import java.util.ArrayDeque;
import java.util.ArrayList;
import java.util.Deque;

public class ZeroOneBFS {
    private static class Node {
        int to; // the ending vertex
        int weight; // the weight of the edge
        public Node(int to, int wt) {
   = to;
            this.weight = wt;
    private static final int numVertex = 9;
    private ArrayList<Node>[] edges = new ArrayList[numVertex];
    public ZeroOneBFS() {
        for (int i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
            edges[i] = new ArrayList<Node>();
    public void addEdge(int u, int v, int wt) {
        edges[u].add(edges[u].size(), new Node(v, wt));
        edges[v].add(edges[v].size(), new Node(u, wt));
    public void zeroOneBFS(int src) {

        // initialize distances from given source
        int[] dist = new int[numVertex];
        for (int i = 0; i < numVertex; i++) {
            dist[i] = Integer.MAX_VALUE;
        // double ended queue to do BFS
        Deque<Integer> queue = new ArrayDeque<Integer>();
        dist[src] = 0;
        while (!queue.isEmpty()) {
            int v = queue.removeFirst();
            for (int i = 0; i < edges[v].size(); i++) {

                // checking for optimal distance
                if (dist[edges[v].get(i).to] > 
                        dist[v] + edges[v].get(i).weight) {

                    // update the distance
                    dist[edges[v].get(i).to] =
                          dist[v] + edges[v].get(i).weight;

                    // put 0 weight edges to front and 1
                    // weight edges to back so that vertices
                    // are processed in increasing order of weight
                    if (edges[v].get(i).weight == 0) {
                    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < dist.length; i++) {
            System.out.print(dist[i] + " ");
    public static void main(String[] args) {
        ZeroOneBFS graph = new ZeroOneBFS();
        graph.addEdge(0, 1, 0);
        graph.addEdge(0, 7, 1);
        graph.addEdge(1, 7, 1);
        graph.addEdge(1, 2, 1);
        graph.addEdge(2, 3, 0);
        graph.addEdge(2, 5, 0);
        graph.addEdge(2, 8, 1);
        graph.addEdge(3, 4, 1);
        graph.addEdge(3, 5, 1);
        graph.addEdge(4, 5, 1);
        graph.addEdge(5, 6, 1);
        graph.addEdge(6, 7, 1);
        graph.addEdge(7, 8, 1);
        int src = 0;//source node
# Python3 program to implement single source
# shortest path for a Binary Graph
from sys import maxsize as INT_MAX
from collections import deque

# no.of vertices
V = 9

# a structure to represent edges
class node:
    def __init__(self, to, weight):

        # two variable one denote the node
        # and other the weight = to
        self.weight = weight

# vector to store edges
edges = [0] * V
for i in range(V):
    edges[i] = []

# Prints shortest distance from 
# given source to every other vertex
def zeroOneBFS(src: int):

    # Initialize distances from given source
    dist = [0] * V
    for i in range(V):
        dist[i] = INT_MAX

    # double ende queue to do BFS.
    Q = deque()
    dist[src] = 0

    while Q:
        v = Q[0]

        for i in range(len(edges[v])):

            # checking for the optimal distance
            if (dist[edges[v][i].to] > 
                dist[v] + edges[v][i].weight):
                dist[edges[v][i].to] = dist[v] + edges[v][i].weight

                # Put 0 weight edges to front and 1 weight
                # edges to back so that vertices are processed
                # in increasing order of weights.
                if edges[v][i].weight == 0:

    # printing the shortest distances
    for i in range(V):
        print(dist[i], end = " ")

def addEdge(u: int, v: int, wt: int):
    edges[u].append(node(v, wt))
    edges[u].append(node(v, wt))

# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":

    addEdge(0, 1, 0)
    addEdge(0, 7, 1)
    addEdge(1, 7, 1)
    addEdge(1, 2, 1)
    addEdge(2, 3, 0)
    addEdge(2, 5, 0)
    addEdge(2, 8, 1)
    addEdge(3, 4, 1)
    addEdge(3, 5, 1)
    addEdge(4, 5, 1)
    addEdge(5, 6, 1)
    addEdge(6, 7, 1)
    addEdge(7, 8, 1)

    # source node
    src = 0

# This code is contributed by
# sanjeev2552
// C# Program to implement 0-1 BFS
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;

class ZeroOneBFS {
    private class Node {
        public int to; // the ending vertex
        public int weight; // the weight of the edge
        public Node(int to, int wt) {
   = to;
            this.weight = wt;
    private const int numVertex = 9;
    private List<Node>[] edges = new List<Node>[numVertex];
    public ZeroOneBFS() {
        for (int i = 0; i < edges.Length; i++) {
            edges[i] = new List<Node>();
    public void addEdge(int u, int v, int wt) {
        edges[u].Add(new Node(v, wt));
        edges[v].Add(new Node(u, wt));
    public void zeroOneBFS(int src) {
        // initialize distances from given source
        int[] dist = new int[numVertex];
        for (int i = 0; i < numVertex; i++) {
            dist[i] = int.MaxValue;
        // double ended queue to do BFS
        Queue<int> queue = new Queue<int>();
        dist[src] = 0;
        while (queue.Count > 0) {
            int v = queue.Dequeue();
            for (int i = 0; i < edges[v].Count; i++) {
                // checking for optimal distance
                if (dist[edges[v][i].to] > 
                        dist[v] + edges[v][i].weight) {

                    // update the distance
                    dist[edges[v][i].to] =
                          dist[v] + edges[v][i].weight;

                    // put 0 weight edges to front and 1
                    // weight edges to back so that vertices
                    // are processed in increasing order of weight
                    if (edges[v][i].weight == 0) {
                    } else {
        for (int i = 0; i < dist.Length; i++) {
            Console.Write(dist[i] + " ");
    static void Main(string[] args) {
        ZeroOneBFS graph = new ZeroOneBFS();
        graph.addEdge(0, 1, 0);
        graph.addEdge(0, 7, 1);
        graph.addEdge(1, 7, 1);
        graph.addEdge(1, 2, 1);
        graph.addEdge(2, 3, 0);
        graph.addEdge(2, 5, 0);
        graph.addEdge(2, 8, 1);
        graph.addEdge(3, 4, 1);
        graph.addEdge(3, 5, 1);
        graph.addEdge(4, 5, 1);
        graph.addEdge(5, 6, 1);
        graph.addEdge(6, 7, 1);
        graph.addEdge(7, 8, 1);
        int src = 0;//source node
// This code is contributed by Prajwal Kandekar
// Javascript Program to implement 0-1 BFS

class Node
    { = to;
            this.weight = wt;

let numVertex = 9;
let edges = new Array(numVertex);

function _ZeroOneBFS()
    for (let i = 0; i < edges.length; i++) {
            edges[i] = [];

function addEdge(u,v,wt)
    edges[u].push(edges[u].length, new Node(v, wt));
        edges[v].push(edges[v].length, new Node(u, wt));

function zeroOneBFS(src)
    // initialize distances from given source
        let dist = new Array(numVertex);
        for (let i = 0; i < numVertex; i++) {
            dist[i] = Number.MAX_VALUE;
        // double ended queue to do BFS
        let queue = [];
        dist[src] = 0;
        while (queue.length!=0) {
            let v = queue.shift();
            for (let i = 0; i < edges[v].length; i++) {
                // checking for optimal distance
                if (dist[edges[v][i].to] > 
                        dist[v] + edges[v][i].weight) {
                    // update the distance
                    dist[edges[v][i].to] =
                          dist[v] + edges[v][i].weight;
                    // put 0 weight edges to front and 1
                    // weight edges to back so that vertices
                    // are processed in increasing order of weight
                    if (edges[v][i].weight == 0) {
                    } else {
        for (let i = 0; i < dist.length; i++) {
            document.write(dist[i] + " ");

addEdge(0, 1, 0);
addEdge(0, 7, 1);
addEdge(1, 7, 1);
addEdge(1, 2, 1);
addEdge(2, 3, 0);
addEdge(2, 5, 0);
addEdge(2, 8, 1);
addEdge(3, 4, 1);
addEdge(3, 5, 1);
addEdge(4, 5, 1);
addEdge(5, 6, 1);
addEdge(6, 7, 1);
addEdge(7, 8, 1);
let src = 0;//source node

// This code is contributed by avanitrachhadiya2155

0 0 1 1 2 1 2 1 2 

This problem can also be solved by Dijkstra but the time complexity will be O(E + V Log V) whereas by BFS it will be O(V+E).

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