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Python Program to print hollow half diamond hash pattern

Last Updated : 22 Apr, 2023
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Give an integer N and the task is to print hollow half diamond pattern. Examples:

Input : 6
Output :
# # 
#   # 
#     # 
#       # 
#         # 
#       # 
#     # 
#   # 
# # 

Input : 7
Output :
# # 
#   # 
#     # 
#       # 
#         # 
#           # 
#         # 
#       # 
#     # 
#   # 
# # 

Approach: The idea is to break the pattern into two parts:

  • Upper part: For the upper half start the for loop with iterator (i) from 1 to n and one more for loop with iterator (j) from 1 to i.
# # 
#   # 
#     # 
#       # 
#         # 
#           #  
  • Lower part: For lower half start the for loop with iterator (n-1) to 1 and loop inside this for will remain same as for the upper half.
#         # 
#       # 
#     # 
#   # 
# # 
  • Now we have to check this condition that if (i==j) or (j==1) then we have to print “#”, otherwise we have to print ” “(space).

Below is the implementation: 


# python program to print
# hollow half diamond star
# function to print hollow
# half diamond star
def hollow_half_diamond(N):
    # this for loop is for
    # printing upper half
    for i in range( 1, N + 1):
        for j in range(1, i + 1):
            # this is the condition to
            # print "#" only on the
            # boundaries
            if i == j or j == 1:
                print("#", end =" ")
            # print " "(space) on the rest
            # of the area
                print(" ", end =" ")
    # this for loop is to print lower half
    for i in range(N - 1, 0, -1):
        for j in range(1, i + 1):
            if j == 1 or i == j:
                print("#", end =" ")
                print(" ", end =" ")
# Driver Code
if __name__ == "__main__":
    N = 7
    hollow_half_diamond( N )


# # 
#   # 
#     # 
#       # 
#         # 
#           # 
#         # 
#       # 
#     # 
#   # 
# # 

Time Complexity: O(N^2)

Space Complexity: O(1) as using constant space

METHOD 2:Using string formatting and list comprehension


This program prints a hollow half diamond hash pattern of a given size n.


1.Read the value of n from the user.
2.For the upper half of the pattern, use a loop that runs from 1 to n.
3.In each iteration, print a string consisting of a hash (#), followed by zero or more spaces, followed by another hash (#).
4.The number of spaces in each iteration is (i-2), where i is the current iteration number. The first iteration has only one hash, so we need to print a single hash instead of the spaces.
5.Use the rstrip() method to remove any trailing whitespace characters.
6.For the lower half of the pattern, use a loop that runs from n-1 to 1 (in reverse).
7.Use the same logic as in step 3 to print the pattern for the lower half of the diamond.


n = int(("6"))
# Upper half of the pattern
for i in range(1, n+1):
    print(("# " + "  "*(i-2) + ("#" if i>1 else "")).rstrip())
# Lower half of the pattern
for i in range(n-1, 0, -1):
    print(("# " + "  "*(i-2) + ("#" if i>1 else "")).rstrip())


# #
#   #
#     #
#       #
#         #
#       #
#     #
#   #
# #

Time complexity: O(n^2) (quadratic) – because we have two nested loops that run n times each.

Space complexity: O(1) – because we only need a few variables to store the input and intermediate values, and the amount of memory used by the program does not depend on the input size.

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