How to convert a Python datetime.datetime to excel serial date number
Last Updated :
06 Sep, 2021
This article will discuss the conversion of a python datetime.datetime to an excel serial date number. The Excel “serial date” format is actually the number of days since 1900-01-00. The strftime() function is used to convert date and time objects to their string representation. It takes one or more inputs of formatted code and returns the string representation.
Parameters: This function accepts a parameter which is illustrated below:
- format: This is the specified format code in which the given date and time object is going to be represented.
Return values: It returns the string representation of the date or time object.
Example 1: In the example below, the current date and time are being converted into the excel serial date number. And the returned output will be in the format of ’08/23/21 15:15:53′ which is accepted by Excel as a valid date/time and allows for sorting in Excel.
import datetime
current_datetime =
print (current_datetime.strftime( '%x %X' ))
08/23/21 15:15:53
If we need the excel serial date number in the form of a date value, then this can be done using the toordinal() function.
Example 2: Serial number in a form of a date value
from datetime import date
def convert_date_to_excel_ordinal(day, month, year):
offset = 693594
current = date(year, month, day)
n = current.toordinal()
return (n - offset)
print (convert_date_to_excel_ordinal( 2 , 2 , 2021 ))
Example: In the below example, the “2021-05-04” date is being converted into the excel serial date number with reference to the 1899-12-30 date.
from datetime import datetime
import datetime as dt
def excel_date(date1):
temp = dt.datetime( 1899 , 12 , 30 )
delta = date1 - temp
return float (delta.days) + ( float (delta.seconds) / 86400 )
print (excel_date(datetime( 2021 , 2 , 4 )))
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