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How to iterate through a nested List in Python?

Last Updated : 08 Dec, 2020
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In this article, we are going to see how to iterate through a nested List. A list can be used to store multiple Data types such as Integers, Strings, Objects, and also another List within itself. This sub-list which is within the list is what is commonly known as the Nested List.

Iterating through a Nested List

Lets us see how a typical nested list looks like :

list=[10, 20, 30, 40, [ 80,60, 70 ] ]

There are multiple ways to iterate through a Nested List:

Method 1: Use of the index to iterate through the list

Use of Positive Index:


# code
list = [10, 20, 30, 40, [80, 60, 70]]
# Printing sublist at index 4
# Printing 1st element of the sublist
# Printing 2nd element of the sublist
# Printing 3rd element of the sublist



[80, 60, 70]

Use of Negative Index


# code
list = [10, 20, 30, 40, [80, 60, 70]]
# Printing sublist at index 4
# Printing 1st element of the sublist
# Printing 2nd element of the sublist
# Printing 3rd element of the sublist



[80, 60, 70]

Method 2: Use of loop to iterate through the list


# code
list = [["Rohan", 60], ["Aviral", 21], 
        ["Harsh", 30], ["Rahul", 40],
        ["Raj", 20]]
# looping through nested list using indexes
for names in list:
    print(names[0], "is", names[1],
          "years old.")



Rohan is 60 years old.
Aviral is 21 years old.
Harsh is 30 years old.
Rahul is 40 years old.
Raj is 20 years old.

Use of Temporary Variables inside a loop.


# code
list = [["Rohan", 60], ["Aviral", 21], 
        ["Harsh", 30], ["Rahul", 40],
        ["Raj", 20]]
# looping through nested list using multiple 
# temporary variables
for name, age in list:
    print(name, "is",
          age, "years old.")



Rohan is 60 years old.
Aviral is 21 years old.
Harsh is 30 years old.
Rahul is 40 years old.
Raj is 20 years old.

Method 3: Use of Slicing


# code
# list
list = [10, 20, 30, 40,
        [80, 60, 70]]
# print the entire Sublist at index 4
# printing first two element
print(list[4][0 : 2])



[80, 60, 70]
[80, 60]

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