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How to get size of folder using Python?

Last Updated : 21 Sep, 2021
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In this article, we are going to discuss various approaches to get the size of a folder using python.

To get the size of a directory, the user has to walk through the whole folder and add the size of each file present in that folder and will show the total size of the folder. 

Steps to be followed:

  • Import required module.
  • Create a variable size and assign 0 to it.
  • Assign path of the folder.
  • Scan the folder and get the size of each file in the folder and add it to size.
  • Display the total size of the folder.

We are going to use the below folder to depict each approach:

Method #1: Using os.walk() + os.path.getsize()

In this approach, we will iterate each file present in the folder using os.walk() and then compute and add the size of each scanned file using os.path.getsize().


# import module
import os
# assign size
size = 0
# assign folder path
Folderpath = 'C:/Users/Geetansh Sahni/Documents/R'
# get size
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(Folderpath):
    for f in files:
        fp = os.path.join(path, f)
        size += os.path.getsize(fp)
# display size
print("Folder size: " + str(size))


Method #2: Using os.walk() + os.stat()

In this approach, we will iterate each file present in the folder using os.walk(). The os.stat() method returns file properties, now using os.stat().st_size we can compute the file size. Hence, the total folder size can be calculated.


# import module
import os
# assign size
size = 0
# assign folder path
Folderpath = 'C:/Users/Geetansh Sahni/Documents/R'  
# get size
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(Folderpath):
    for f in files:
        fp = os.path.join(path, f)
        size += os.stat(fp).st_size
# display size       
print("Folder size: " + str(size))


Method #3: Using os.scandir() + os.path.getsize()

Here, we will scan each file present in the folder using os.scandir() and then we will compute each file size using os.path.getsize(), then we will store the total added size in a variable.


# import module
import os
# assign size
size = 0
# assign folder path
Folderpath = 'C:/Users/Geetansh Sahni/Documents/R'   
# get size
for ele in os.scandir(Folderpath):


Method #4: Using os.scandir() + os.stat()

Here, we will scan each file present in the folder using os.scandir(). The os.stat() method returns file properties, now using os.stat().st_size we can compute the file size. Hence, the total folder size can be calculated.


# import module
import os
# assign size
size = 0
# assign folder path
Folderpath = 'C:/Users/Geetansh Sahni/Documents/R'  
# get size
for ele in os.scandir(Folderpath):


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