Visualize data from CSV file in Python
Last Updated :
03 Mar, 2021
CSV stands for ‘Comma-Separated Values‘. It means the data(values) in a CSV file are separated by a delimiter i.e., comma. Data in a CSV file is stored in tabular format with an extension of .csv. Generally, CSV files are used with Google spreadsheets or Microsoft Excel sheets. A CSV file contains a number of records with the data spread across rows and columns. In this article, we are going to visualize data from a CSV file in Python.
To extract the data in CSV file, CSV module must be imported in our program as follows:
import csv
with open('file.csv') as File:
Line_reader = csv.reader(File)
Here, csv.reader( ) function is used to read the program after importing CSV library.
Example 1: Visualizing the column of different persons through bar plot.
The below CSV file contains different person name, gender, and age saved as ‘biostats.csv’:
The approach of the program:
- Import required libraries, matplotlib library for visualizing, and CSV library for reading CSV data.
- Open the file using open( ) function with ‘r’ mode (read-only) from CSV library and read the file using csv.reader( ) function.
- Read each line in the file using for loop.
- Append required columns into a list.
- After reading the whole CSV file, plot the required data as X and Y axis.
- In this example, we are plotting names as X-axis and ages as Y-axis.
Below is the implementation:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csv
x = []
y = []
with open ( 'biostats.csv' , 'r' ) as csvfile:
plots = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter = ',' )
for row in plots:
x.append(row[ 0 ])
y.append( int (row[ 2 ])), y, color = 'g' , width = 0.72 , label = "Age" )
plt.xlabel( 'Names' )
plt.ylabel( 'Ages' )
plt.title( 'Ages of different persons' )
Output :
Example 2: Visualizing Weather Report on different Dates” through-line plot.
Temperature(°C) on different dates is stored in a CSV file as ‘Weatherdata.csv’. These two rows ‘Dates’ and ‘Temperature(°C )’ are used as X and Y-axis for visualizing weather reports.
Approach of the program:
- Import required libraries, matplotlib library for visualizing, and csv library for reading CSV data.
- Open the file using open( ) function with ‘r’ mode (read-only) from CSV library and read the file using csv.reader( ) function.
- Read each line in the file using for loop.
- Append required columns of the CSV file into a list.
- After reading the whole CSV file, plot the required data as X and Y axis.
- In this Example, we are plotting Dates as X-axis and Temperature(°C ) as Y-axis.
Below is the implementation:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csv
x = []
y = []
with open ( 'Weatherdata.csv' , 'r' ) as csvfile:
lines = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter = ',' )
for row in lines:
x.append(row[ 0 ])
y.append( int (row[ 1 ]))
plt.plot(x, y, color = 'g' , linestyle = 'dashed' ,
marker = 'o' ,label = "Weather Data" )
plt.xticks(rotation = 25 )
plt.xlabel( 'Dates' )
plt.ylabel( 'Temperature(°C)' )
plt.title( 'Weather Report' , fontsize = 20 )
Output :
Example 3: Visualizing patients blood pressure report of a hospital through Scatter plot
Approach of the program “Visualizing patients blood pressure report” through Scatter plot :
- Import required libraries, matplotlib library for visualization and importing csv library for reading CSV data.
- Open the file using open( ) function with ‘r’ mode (read-only) from CSV library and read the file using csv.reader( ) function.
- Read each line in the file using for loop.
- Append required columns of the CSV file into a list.
- After reading the whole CSV file, plot the required data as X and Y axis.
- In this example, we are plotting the Names of patients as X-axis and Blood pressure values as Y-axis.
Below is the implementation:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csv
Names = []
Values = []
with open ( 'bldprs_measure.csv' , 'r' ) as csvfile:
lines = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter = ',' )
for row in lines:
Names.append(row[ 0 ])
Values.append( int (row[ 1 ]))
plt.scatter(Names, Values, color = 'g' ,s = 100 )
plt.xticks(rotation = 25 )
plt.xlabel( 'Names' )
plt.ylabel( 'Values' )
plt.title( 'Patients Blood Pressure Report' , fontsize = 20 )
Output :
Example 4: Visualizing Student marks in different subjects using a pie plot
Approach of the program:
- Import required libraries, matplotlib library for visualization and importing csv library for reading CSV data.
- Open the file using open( ) function with ‘r’ mode (read-only) from CSV library and read the file using csv.reader( ) function.
- Read each line in the file using for loop.
- Append required columns of the CSV file into lists.
- After reading the whole CSV data, plot the required data as pie plot using plt.pie( ) function.
Below is the implementation:
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import csv
Subjects = []
Scores = []
with open ( 'SubjectMarks.csv' , 'r' ) as csvfile:
lines = csv.reader(csvfile, delimiter = ',' )
for row in lines:
Subjects.append(row[ 0 ])
Scores.append( int (row[ 1 ]))
plt.pie(Scores,labels = Subjects,autopct = '%.2f%%' )
plt.title( 'Marks of a Student' , fontsize = 20 )
Output :
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