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Open computer drives like C, D or E using Python

Last Updated : 29 Dec, 2020
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Have you ever wondered that you can open your drives by just typing C, D or E and then that drives are open.This can be possible by using Python. So, for performing this task this we are using os.startfile() method of OS library. This Method start a file with its associated program.

Syntax: os.startfile(file_name)

Return: None.

Now let’s see the code:


# import library
import os
# take Input from the user 
query = input("Which drive you have to open ? C , D or E: \n")
# Check the condition for 
# opening the C drive
if "C" in query or "c" in query:
# Check the condition for 
# opening the D drive
elif "D" in query or "d" in query:
# Check the condition for 
# opening the D drive
elif "E" in query or "e" in query:
    print("Wrong Input")


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