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How to Download All Images from a Web Page in Python?

Last Updated : 16 Oct, 2021
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Web scraping is a technique to fetch data from websites. While surfing on the web, many websites don’t allow the user to save data for personal use. One way is to manually copy-paste the data, which both tedious and time-consuming. Web Scraping is the automation of the data extraction process from websites. In this article we will discuss how we can download all images from a web page using python.

Modules Needed

  • bs4: Beautiful Soup(bs4) is a Python library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files. This module does not come built-in with Python.
  • requests:  Requests allows you to send HTTP/1.1 requests extremely easily. This module also does not come built-in with Python.
  • os: The OS module in python provides functions for interacting with the operating system. OS, comes under Python’s standard utility modules. This module provides a portable way of using operating system dependent functionality.


  • Import module
  • Get HTML Code
  • Get list of img tags from HTML Code using findAll method in Beautiful Soup.
images = soup.findAll('img')

Create separate folder for downloading images using mkdir method in os.

  • Iterate through all images and get the source URL of that image.
  • After getting the source URL, last step is download the image
  • Fetch Content of Image
r = requests.get(Source URL).content
  • Download image using File Handling
# Enter File Name with Extension like jpg, png etc..
with open("File Name","wb+") as f:



from bs4 import *
import requests
import os
def folder_create(images):
        folder_name = input("Enter Folder Name:- ")
        # folder creation
    # if folder exists with that name, ask another name
        print("Folder Exist with that name!")
    # image downloading start
    download_images(images, folder_name)
def download_images(images, folder_name):
    # initial count is zero
    count = 0
    # print total images found in URL
    print(f"Total {len(images)} Image Found!")
    # checking if images is not zero
    if len(images) != 0:
        for i, image in enumerate(images):
            # From image tag ,Fetch image Source URL
                        # 4.src
            # Here we will use exception handling
            # first we will search for "data-srcset" in img tag
                # In image tag ,searching for "data-srcset"
                image_link = image["data-srcset"]
            # then we will search for "data-src" in img
            # tag and so on..
                    # In image tag ,searching for "data-src"
                    image_link = image["data-src"]
                        # In image tag ,searching for "data-fallback-src"
                        image_link = image["data-fallback-src"]
                            # In image tag ,searching for "src"
                            image_link = image["src"]
                        # if no Source URL found
            # After getting Image Source URL
            # We will try to get the content of image
                r = requests.get(image_link).content
                    # possibility of decode
                    r = str(r, 'utf-8')
                except UnicodeDecodeError:
                    # After checking above condition, Image Download start
                    with open(f"{folder_name}/images{i+1}.jpg", "wb+") as f:
                    # counting number of image downloaded
                    count += 1
        # There might be possible, that all
        # images not download
        # if all images download
        if count == len(images):
            print("All Images Downloaded!")
        # if all images not download
            print(f"Total {count} Images Downloaded Out of {len(images)}")
def main(url):
    # content of URL
    r = requests.get(url)
    # Parse HTML Code
    soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text, 'html.parser')
    # find all images in URL
    images = soup.findAll('img')
    # Call folder create function
# take url
url = input("Enter URL:- ")


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