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How to Extract Wikipedia Data in Python?

Last Updated : 11 Feb, 2022
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In this article we will learn how to extract Wikipedia Data Using Python, Here we use two methods for extracting Data.

Method 1: Using Wikipedia module

In this method, we will use the Wikipedia Module for Extracting Data. Wikipedia is a multilingual online encyclopedia created and maintained as an open collaboration project by a community of volunteer editors using a wiki-based editing system.

For installation run this command into your terminal.

pip install wikipedia

Wikipedia Data, we will be extracted here:-

  • Summary, title
  • Page Content
  • Get the list of Image Source and Page URL
  • Different categories

Extract Data one by one:

1. Extracting summary and page

Syntax: wikipedia.summary(“Enter Query”)“Enter Query”).title


import wikipedia
wikipedia.summary("Python (programming language)")


2. Page Content: 

For extracting the content of an article, we will use page() method and content property to get the actual data.

Syntax:“Enter Query”).content

Python3"Python (programming language)").content


3. Extract images from Wikipedia.

Syntax:“Enter Query”).images

Python3"Python (programming language)").images


4. extract current Page URL: 

Use page() method and url property. 

Syntax:“Enter Query”).url

Python3'"Hello, World!" program').url



5. Get the list of categories of articles.

Use page() method and categories property. 

Syntax:“Enter Query”).categories

Python3'"Hello, World!" program').categories


['Articles with example code',
 'Articles with short description',
 'Commons category link is on Wikidata',
 'Computer programming folklore',
 'Short description is different from Wikidata',
 'Test items in computer languages',
 'Webarchive template wayback links']

6. Get the list of all links to an article 

Syntax:“Enter Query”).links

Python3'"Hello, World!" program').links


7. Get data in different languages.

Now we will see language conversion, for converting into another language we will use set_lang() method. 

Syntax: wikipedia.set_lang(“Enter Language Type”)


wikipedia.summary('"Hello, World!" program')


Method 2: Using Requests, BeautifulSoup

In this method, we will use Web Scraping.

For scraping in Python we will use two modules:

  • bs4: Beautiful Soup(bs4) is a Python library for pulling data out of HTML and XML files. This module does not come built-in with Python. To install this type the below command in the terminal.
pip install bs4
  • requests: Requests allow you to send HTTP/1.1 requests extremely easily. This module also does not comes built-in with Python. To install this type the below command in the terminal.
pip install requests

Data will be extracted:- 

  • Paragraphs
  • Images
  • List of Images
  • Headings
  • Unwanted Content (Remaining Content)


  • Get HTML Code
  • From HTML Code, get the content of inside body tag
  • Iterate 


# Import Module
from bs4 import *
import requests
# Given URL
# Fetch URL Content
r = requests.get(url)
# Get body content
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text,'html.parser').select('body')[0]
# Initialize variable
paragraphs = []
images = []
link = []
heading = []
remaining_content = []
# Iterate through all tags
for tag in soup.find_all():
    # Check each tag name
    # For Paragraph use p tag
        # use text for fetch the content inside p tag
    # For Image use img tag
        # Add url and Image source URL
    # For Anchor use a tag
        # convert into string and then check href
        # available in tag or not
        if "href" in str(tag):
          # In href, there might be possible url is not there
          # if url is not there
            if "" not in str(tag['href']):
    # Similarly check for heading
    # Six types of heading are there (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6)
    # check each tag and fetch text
    elif "h" in
        if "h1"
        elif "h2"
        elif "h3"
        elif "h4"
        elif "h5"
    # Remain content will store here
print(paragraphs, images, link, heading, remaining_content)

  •  body content and fetch the above data

Below is the full implementation: 


# Import Module
from bs4 import *
import requests
# Given URL
# Fetch URL Content
r = requests.get(url)
# Get body content
soup = BeautifulSoup(r.text,'html.parser').select('body')[0]
# Initialize variable
paragraphs = []
images = []
link = []
heading = []
remaining_content = []
# Iterate through all tags
for tag in soup.find_all():
    # Check each tag name
    # For Paragraph use p tag
        # use text for fetch the content inside p tag
    # For Image use img tag
        # Add url and Image source URL
    # For Anchor use a tag
        # convert into string and then check href
        # available in tag or not
        if "href" in str(tag):
          # In href, there might be possible url is not there
          # if url is not there
            if "" not in str(tag['href']):
    # Similarly check for heading
    # Six types of heading are there (H1, H2, H3, H4, H5, H6)
    # check each tag and fetch text
    elif "h" in
        if "h1"
        elif "h2"
        elif "h3"
        elif "h4"
        elif "h5"
    # Remain content will store here
print(paragraphs, images, link, heading, remaining_content)



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