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Design Patterns in Java | Java Design Patterns Tutorial

Last Updated : 16 May, 2024
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Design patterns in Java help developers create more maintainable, flexible, and understandable code. They encapsulate the expertise and experience of seasoned software architects and developers, making it easier for newer programmers to follow established best practices.

What are Design Patterns?

A design pattern is a generic repeatable solution to a frequently occurring problem in software design that is used in software engineering. It isn’t a complete design that can be written in code right away. It is a description or model for problem-solving that may be applied in a variety of contexts.

Types of Design Patterns in Java

Java design patterns are divided into three categories –

  • creational,
  • structural, and
  • behavioral design patterns.

1. Creational Design Patterns in Java

Creational design patterns are a subset of design patterns in software development. They deal with the process of object creation, trying to make it more flexible and efficient. It makes the system independent and how its objects are created, composed, and represented.

Types of Creational Design Patterns in Java:

1.1 Factory Method

Factory Method is a creational design pattern, that provide an interface for creating objects in superclass, but subclasses are responsible to create the instance of the class.

1.2 Abstract Factory Method

Abstract Factory Method is a creational design pattern, it provides an interface for creating families of related or dependent objects without specifying their concrete classes.

1.3 Builder Method

Builder Method is a creational design pattern, it provides an interface for constructing an object and then have concrete builder classes that implement this interface to create specific objects in a stepwise manner.

1.4 Prototype Method

Prototype Method is a creational design pattern, it provide to create new objects with the same structure and initial state as an existing object without explicitly specifying their class or construction details.

1.5 Singleton Method

Singleton Method is a creational design pattern, it provide a class has only one instance, and that instance provides a global point of access to it.

2. Structural Design Patterns in Java

Structural design patterns are a subset of design patterns in software development that focus on the composition of classes or objects to form larger, more complex structures. They help in organizing and managing relationships between objects to achieve greater flexibility, reusability, and maintainability in a software system.

Types of Structural Design Patterns in Java:

2.1 Adapter Method

Adapter Method is a structural design pattern, it allows you to make two incompatible interfaces work together by creating a bridge between them.

2.2 Bridge Method

Bridge Method is a structural design pattern,it provide to design separate an object’s abstraction from its implementation so that the two can vary independently.

2.3 Composite Method

Composite Method is structural design pattern, it’s used to compose objects into tree structures to represent part-whole hierarchies. This pattern treats both individual objects and compositions of objects it allow clients to work with complex structures of objects as if they were individual objects.

2.4 Decorator Method

Decorator Method is structural design pattern, it allows to add behavior to individual objects, either statically or dynamically, without affecting the behavior of other objects from the same class.

2.5 Facade Method

Facade Method is a structural design pattern, it provides a simplified, higher-level interface to a set of interfaces in a subsystem, making it easier for clients to interact with that subsystem.

2.6 Proxy Method

Proxy Method is a structural design pattern, it provide to create a substitute for an object, which can act as an intermediary or control access to the real object.

2.7 Flyweight Method

Flyweight Method is a structural design pattern, it is used when we need to create a lot of objects of a class. Since every object consumes memory space that can be crucial for low memory devices, flyweight design pattern can be applied to reduce the load on memory by sharing objects. 

3. Behavioral Design Patterns in Java

Behavioral design patterns are a subsetof design patterns in software development that deal with the communication and interaction between objects and classes. They focus on how objects and classes collaborate and communicate to accomplish tasks and responsibilities.

Types of Behavioral Design Pattern in Java:

3.1 Command Method

Command Method is a Behavioral Design Pattern, it promotes loose coupling between the sender (client) and the receiver (the object that performs the operation) and provides a way to support undoable operations.

3.2 Iterator Method

Iterator Method is a Behavioral Design Pattern, it provides a way to access elements of an aggregate object (a collection) sequentially without exposing the underlying representation of that collection.

3.3 Mediator Method

Mediator Method is a Behavioral Design Pattern, it promotes loose coupling between objects by centralizing their communication through a mediator object. Instead of objects directly communicating with each other, they communicate through the mediator, which encapsulates the interaction and coordination logic.

3.4 Memento Method

Momento Method is a Behavioral Design Pattern, it provide to save and restore the previous state of an object without revealing the details of its implementation.

3.5 Observer method

Observer Method is a Behavioral Design Pattern, it defines a one-to-many dependency between objects, so that when one object (the subject) changes state, all its dependents (observers) are notified and updated automatically.

3.6 State Method

State Method is a Behavioral Design Pattern, it allows an object to alter its behavior when its internal state changes.

3.7 Strategy Method

Strategy Method is a Behavioral Design Pattern, it defines a family of algorithms, encapsulates each one, and makes them interchangeable and it allows a client to choose an appropriate algorithm from a family of algorithms at runtime.

3.8 Template Method

Template Method is a Behavioral Design Pattern, it defines the skeleton of an algorithm in a method but lets subclasses alter some steps of that algorithm without changing its structure.

3.9 Visitor Method

Visitor Method is a Behavioral Design Pattern, it is used when you have a set of structured, hierarchical objects and you want to perform various operations on these objects without modifying their classes.

3.10 Null Object Method

Null Object Method is a Behavioral Design Pattern, it is used to handle the absence of a valid object by providing an object that does nothing or provides default behavior.

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